Figure 8 – SQL Server Agent error log check path To change the SQL Server Agent error log, just run this: USE msdb GOEXECmsdb.dbo.sp_set_sqlagent_properties@errorlog_file=N'<New_Errorlog_Path>\SQLAGENT.OUT'GO When reviewing the SQL Server, checking the error log is one of the firs...
sp_MSdel_< tablename >, which handles deletes. The used in the procedure depends on how the article was added to the publication and whether the subscription database contains a table of the same name with a different owner. Any of these procedures can be replaced with a custom procedure...
To enable MSDTC transaction in SQL Server containers, you must set two new environment variables: MSSQL_RPC_PORT: the TCP port that RPC endpoint mapper service binds to and listens on. MSSQL_DTC_TCP_PORT: the port that MSDTC service is configured to listen on. ...
This does not happen to other servers with the same environment. I have tried uncheck/re-check Allow Inprocess, but it didnt work. I tried uninstall the existing Oracle client and reinstall it, and it didnt work either. sql sql-server ...
How to execute sp_executesql for each row in a result set to perform an update How to execute stored procedure with a Multiline String Value? How to execute/call a storeprocedure for multiple records How to Exit from SQL Server Function ? How to explicitly set the value of a times...
You can use the stored procedure sp_columns which would return information pertaining to all columns for a given table. More info can be found here You can also do it by a SQL query. Some thing like this should help: SELECT * FROM...
NoteBy default, the RPC: Completed check box should be selected. Do not click to clear the RPC: Completed check box. --- NoteBy default, the SQL:BatchCompleted check box should be selected. Do not clear the SQL:BatchCompleted check box. 8. ClickOrgan...
How to: View and Modify Publication Properties (RMO Programming) How to: View and Modify Article Properties (Replication Transact-SQL Programming) How to: View and Modify Article Properties (RMO Programming) How to: Delete a Publication (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Delete a Publication...
To test the connection using Microsoft JDBC please ensure you have the latest JRE and JDK properly installed on your server Please check thesteps 1.2 and 1.3of the following article:
In this case, SQL ignores the closing ' (single quotation mark) character, which would otherwise cause a SQL parser error.code Copy --' GuidelinesTo counter SQL injection attacks, you need to:Constrain and sanitize input data. Check for known good data by validating for type, length, ...