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Unity project that demonstrates how to use theKtxUnity package. You have to download theExample image filesseparately and extract them into theAssets/StreamingAssetsfolder (for runtime loading tests) and/orAssets/Textures/Demo(for Editor import). ...
You can use this to give your players in-game rewards (such as coins, gems, points or extra lives) for watching an ad.If you have previously used Unity Ads using the Asset Store package: what has changed?You do not need to register to Unity Ads’ self-serve admin; instead, an ...
How We Use UnityAlistair Doulin
Now we’re moving so fast that Unity has to wait to reach my target 120 FPS! Great! Notice how simple it was to figure this out. I made a simple mistake because when I wrote this, I was naive about Unity. But, if I started over-optimizing I could’ve created some complex algorithm...
You can use this to give your players in-game rewards (such as coins, gems, points or extra lives) for watching an ad.If you have previously used Unity Ads using the Asset Store package: what has changed?You do not need to register to Unity Ads self-serve admin; instead, an account...
001 介绍目标-我们将要做什么(001 Introduction Goal - WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO) 02 统一平台(02 Unity Platformer) 001 让我们开始学习统一工具和布局(001 Lets Start - Learning the Unity tools and layout) 002 去除背景(002 Removing the backgrounds) ...
How to use unity CreateExternalTexture on Android? Can someone please help me figure out what is the problem with my code? I am trying to load an image from the native side and send the texture to Unity. I am using Unity Pro 5.0.2f1....
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33324753/how-to-use-unity-createexternaltexture-on-android Can someone please help me figure out what is the problem with my code? I am trying to load an image from the native side and send the texture to Unity. I am using Unity Pro 5.0.2f1. ...
How to export Unity assets as a UNITYPACKAGE file To export a set of Unity assets as a UNITYPACKAGE file: Open the Unity project that contains those assets. SelectAssets → Export Package. In the Exporting package window, choose the assets you want to export. ...