When building a Unity project to any platform, all the assets in your game will be “packaged” in a file (or more depending on your platform), and the resulting size of the build will depend on the size of the assets you decided to package within your game. It’s not the same to ...
世界鎖定範例(也取決於 MRTK,但 MRTK 包含在 .unitypackage 中) 從GitHub 程式代碼 (來源中複製) 另一個取得 WLT 的選項是直接從 GitHub 取得來源(透過 git 或作為 zipfile),並將其複製到您的專案中。 這相當於從上述 .unitypackages 安裝。 若要取得符合版本的來源,請尋找適當的分支。 例如,版本 v1.2.4...
In 2020, Unity acquired the version control tool Plastic SCM, which they renamed Unity Version Control. Here, you’ll learn about Unity Engine, Unity Version Control, how to use Unity with version control, and the key to finding the best version control system for Unity. ...
Before building a player, you must make a content build of your Addressable assets. During the player build, Unity copies your local Addressables to the StreamingAssets folder so that they are included in the build along with any assets you placed in StreamingAssets. (These assets are removed a...
Unable to open archive file: http://localhost:50212/StreamingAssets/Bundles/language_english The code that creates the AssetBundles: using UnityEditor; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; public class JC_Bundler: Editor { [MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundles")] static void BuildAllAssetBundles()...
在Unity 中操作 编辑器功能 在项目之间重用资源 在构建游戏时,Unity 会存储有关资源的大量元数据,例如导入设置、其他资源的链接以及其他信息。如果要将资源转移到其他项目并保留所有此类信息,可采用自定义资源包形式导出资源。 有关在 Unity Package Manager (UPM) 中使用资源包的常规信息,请参阅包;有关创建、维护...
Code Sensei Mickey MacDonald then takes you on a close look at Unity and how you can bring in your Unity assets into Visual Studio 2013 to create Windows 8 and Windows Phone versions of your games/apps.Unity to Visual Studio to Windows and Windows Phone store...
将输出纹理文件存储在 Unity 项目中(例如,在 \Assets\textures 中)。 确保3D 工作文件引用相同的纹理,从而在保存或导出时保持一致性。 充分利用纹理中的可用空间,但请注意不同材质需要使用相同纹理的不同部分。因此最终可多次使用或加载该纹理。 对于可能需要不同着色器的 Alpha 和元素,请使用不同的纹理。例如,下...
Option 2: Create a shell script that will change the reference ID in the assets (save your assets in text format) from the MonoBehaviour you currently use to the one in the DLL. Fortunately for you Unity permits you to have MonoBehaviours of the same name, at least until y...
As I say that is just standard Unity Assets code, but particularly in the ApplyDrive function i see the forward variable that I think will be useful (or hope :))Any help on the best way to approach this kind of problem is massively appreciated. Sorry for the long-...