Set phrases are phrases that you can use a lot. If you have a fair amount of these in your arsenal, you’ll be able to negotiate pretty much all of your daily interactions. Sure, you can’t discuss philosophy with these, but you can easily order a meal, pick up your laundry and cr...
How important is it to differentiate between tu vs. usted in Spanish and how & when should you use them? We reveal all in this fun, easy guide.
I use this often, estoy muy bien, "I'm great." In a sentence, you can say, estoy muy bien. ¿Cómo estás tú? to mean "I'm great. How are you?" 10. No tan bien. "Not so well." When you're not feeling well, you can use this. No is like English word “no,” a...
一応、英語の表記では 에=e 애=ae で表します えーとのえーが 에に近いです 애は appleの最初の発音似てます |에は日本語のえや英語のEのように単純なEです。 애は音声記号で書けば[æ]です。Appleのæでしょう。口元を引いて舌をたい平べったくするあと、
You can also use future progressive, like "I will be having a great time at the party." In all of the examples above, "have" is the primary verb, describing the action of the subject of the sentence. "Have" is also pair...
Learning Spanish requires learning a lot of new words. There's no way around it. Many people use their "bad memory" as an excuse for not learning a new language, but we have some comforting news for these people (and even those with great memories): you don't need to know all--or...
Even though 쎄하다 is a dialect, we often say 느낌이 쎄하다 instead of 느낌이 싸하다. 2. 제가 한국어 여전히 생초보처럼 느껴요. I feel like I am still a complete beginner at Korean. ...
—Si quieres tener amigos— me decía mi madre—, sé un amigo. "If you want to have friends," my mother told me, "be a friend." In each of these cases, Spanish grammar dictates that the punctuation still belongs outside of the quotation signifier, except in the case that the sente...
Objectify each sentence. Use visual depictions to aid understanding of the words and their meanings. Any word in this language can be explained by one or a series of pictures, which is especially important when you’re teaching young kids Arabic. Step 5 Teach the art of writing by example....
Objectify each sentence. Use visual depictions to aid understanding of the words and their meanings. Any word in this language can be explained by one or a series of pictures, which is especially important when you’re teaching young kids Arabic. ...