The verb LLEVAR is very common, very useful and trying to translate it with one word would lead to a lot of confusion. When I came to Spain it almost always occurred in the first few minutes when meeting someone. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas aquí? (How long have you been here?) and it ...
The presence of the prefix “DES-” in some Spanish verbs adds depth and nuance to the language. It often serves …Read more How to Use the Spanish Verb “Tener” The Spanish verb “tener,” which means “to have” in English, is a fundamental and frequently used verb in the Spanish ...
In this article you will learn how to correctly use bothfuture timesand someperiphrasisthat can help you express your purposes. Thefuture tenses in Spanishandverbal periphrasisIt is a fundamental part of Spanish grammar. If you come to ourSpanish coursesyou will master them in a few classes. W...
In this article you will learn how to correctly use bothfuture timesand someperiphrasisthat can help you express your purposes. Thefuture tenses in Spanishandverbal periphrasisIt is a fundamental part of Spanish grammar. If you come to ourSpanish coursesyou will master them in a few classes. W...
Furthermore, like most expressions used to express wishes or desires in Spanish, it uses the subjunctive and is actually an abbreviation ofYo espero que tengas buenas noches. However, thequeat the beginning and the conjugation of the verbtenerin the present subjunctive are enough to hint at this...
¿Cuántos años tienes?In Spanish, age is expressed with the verbtener– to have.Tengo treinta añosmeans “I am thirty years old” but it literally translated to “I have thirty years.” To say your age, just plug in the number using this sentence:Tengo#años....
Explain the verbs TENER and SER, describing how to use them and when to use the correct verb.Spanish Verbs:The Spanish language contains many verbs. As in other languages, Spanish verbs express action or a state of being, and they also can undergo inflection. Ho...
Pronominal:The pronountúchanges to the pronounvos, but the verb remains conjugated according to thetúpronoun. What is the difference betweentúandtu? You might’ve noticed that Spanish sometimes usestúand sometimestu.So, what’s the difference? If you’ve read ourultimate guide to Spanish acce...
If you use this phrase in the present tense, you have to conjugate the verb depending on the subject. Answer and Explanation: The Spanish expression for 'to be in a hurry' is tener prisa (pronounced: teh-NEHR PREE-sah), so this phrase literally means 'to have hurry.' For......
How to Have Fun in Spanish – Really! First of all, as the little introduction above tells my readers, you donotusetener divertidoin Spanish when you want to sayto have fun. Beyond there being a verb that answers nicely to the English expression, there are a few other things that you...