So although it may not be for everyone I prefer to use the TailwindCSS TypeScript integration, and as a result there are a few additional steps to take when configuring your Blazor project to work with TypeScript. The first step is to reference an additional library in your Blazor Wasm suc...
// Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created. // This configures VITE for github codespaces "postCreateCommand": "if [ \"${CODESPACES}\" = \"true\" ]; then echo 'VITE_API_BASE=\"https://$CODESPACE_NAME-3001.$GITHUB_CODESPACES_PORT_FORWARDING_DOMAIN/api\"...
CSS body { background-image: url('pattern.jpg'); } Copy Gradients: You can even create beautiful gradients using CSS: CSS .banner { background: linear-gradient(to right, red, orange); } Copy Text Styling font-family: Specifies the font(s) to use: CSS p { font-family: Arial, Helv...
buttons. While it's frustrating that we can't style them directly, we can use workarounds. In this example, the first step is to hide the actual radio button input. I know this sounds odd, but we know that we can't style them, so we just need to take them out of the equation....
.ReactModal__Html--open,.ReactModal__Body--open{overflow:hidden;/* prevents background page from scrolling when the modal is open */} .ReactModal__Overlay{position:fixed;z-index:999999;top:0;left:0;width:100vw;height:100vh;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);display:flex;align-items:center;ju...
45); border-radius: 20px; border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .25); box-shadow: 0 0 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25); }Lastly, we’ll use the backdrop-filter CSS property to apply the blur effect to the area behind our card so that it appears like frosted glass:...
Here are the steps to customize the theme to set a default font color in Tailwind CSS.tailwind.config.js: Locate and open your Tailwind CSS configuration file. Extend the Theme: Inside the theme object, use the 'extend' property to add custom settings. Add textColor Property: Define the '...
This reply was automagically generated by our local A.I. Think of it as a one-off attempt to instantly solve your problem. It will not respond to further replies. One solution is to use the@layerdirective in your TailwindCSS configuration file to move the styles for the div...
How to set a 3D element’s base placement in CSS - CSS has developed from simple style sheets to a powerful language that can create complex and intricate layouts and designs. One of the most exciting features of CSS is to create 3D elements on web pages
When it comes to UI components, there are two versatile methods that we can use to build it for your website: either we can use prebuilt components from a well-known library or framework, or we can develop our UI components from scratch. Developing unique CSS components is a better strate...