Step 5: Use Tailwind’s CSS classes in your project Finally we’re ready to make use of Tailwind’s CSS classes in our project, e.g. in the template section of file ./src/App.js: <template>Welcome!Vue and Tailwind CSS in action</template> In order to check the result in the brows...
You can find details about this in thetailwindcss-rails gem's READMEand also theTailwind CSS documentation. Asset Pipeline We have seen howbin/rails tailwindcss:watchkeeps our stylesheets updated in local development mode. If we nee...
In Tailwind CSS, the flexbox is a layout style that enables users to arrange items in rows or columns and adjust their size and alignment. Tailwind provides various classes for controlling the direction of flex items, such as “flex-row” and “flex-col”. The “flex-row” class sets ...
bg-red-600">Lorem ipsum CSS Copy Description: In CSS, try to avoid the use of the !important modifier if possible. However, sometimes it is still necessary. TailwindCSS has a simple way to do this. Just add the!character to the beginning of the selected class. Example: Lorem ipsum Mark...
Tailwind CSS provides various "overflow" utilities, such as "overflow-auto", "overflow-scroll", "overflow-hidden", "overflow-visible" etc. These utilities determine how a specific element handles the content that exceeds the container size. Each utility offers unique functionality, however, their ...
Tailwind CSS is also great for creatingconsistent designs. You can ensure your design is consistent across your project without having to remember or look up the values of different properties, as you can just use the same class names everywhere. ...
2.1 Add the Tailwind tailwind.config.js to your project 2.2 Configure postcss in nuxt.config.js 2.3 Add tailwind imports to your styles 2.4 Use purgecss to remove unused CSS in the production build 3. Simple Demo - use TailwindCSS in your application How to use Google Fonts with Nux...
In this article, we will create a custom utility classes for your Theme colors using CSS variables and Tailwindcss. 1. Define your variables // On your main css file :root { --primary: theme(""); --secondary: theme(""); } .th-theme { --primary: ...
The CSS file can also be on a different server or even on a different domain. We will use it to import the Google Fonts CSS file into our Tailwind CSS file.To use the @import rule, we need to add the Google Fonts CSS file to our global.css file:... and then simply use the SCSS syntax, for example, to @apply tailwind classes inside your custom class like so: .main-button { @apply px-4 } 👍 3 valdoryu commented Aug 1, 2022 • edited Hi, I also use SCSS but can't figure out how to apply...