The GLaplace element is used in PSPICE to describe a frequency-dependent impedance. The impedance is given by the inverse of the XFORM, or XFORM = 1/Z(S). To view the specific effective simulation results Include the following Macros in your Probe trace analysis to see frequency vs. induc...
My problem is how to supply this bias current。It is about 200mA-700mA and changeable。Can I use a LED dirver?and how to connect it with the bias tee。 In addition,The digital signal need to connect an amplifier before the bias-tee。 How to choose the amplifier? Can I use a current...
Neither has a node limitation and both have the capability to import PSpice models and use them in simulations. Both perform well, however, LTSpice is particularly fast when using built in devices. TINA-TI...
Use the cursor to measure the difference between the crest and trough of an analog output waveform. Watch Video 3:02 Waveform and Plot Settings | PSpice Configure waveform and plot settings to match your requirements when evaluating a circuit’s performance. Watch Video 2:52 Parametric...
In PCB Design, some components in your schematic may only be useful for logic to layout flow and are not PSpice Simulation ready. In this video you will learn how to associate components with their PSpice models so your simulations are accurate....
the designer must simulate the circuit and test its basic functionality. Spice models used for simulation are generated using the most widely used simulation program, PSpice®. With the advent of the graphical user interface, one can use the model symbols to draw the schematic and simulate the...
In response to Translation_Bot View original content: Chinese Simplified | Original author: yifei_y This is a machine-translated content The Pspice model of the SiC schottky diode can be downloaded from the following link
APP 4123 Keywords: SPICE, maxim macromodels, maxim simulation, maxim PSpice TUTORIAL 4123 How to Work with Maxim's Spice Macromodels By: Arpit Mehta, Strategic Applications Engineer, Amplifiers & Sensors Oct 19, 2007 Abstract: This application note explains how to use Maxim's Spice models....
I read the PSpice model but I don't understand how use it correctly. What are the functionality of the pins 1 and 2? Can you explain me the correct use of this PSpice model? When I try to import the other two files ('INA149.tld' and 'INA149.TSM'), CST Design Studio doesn't ...
you’ll see the components section. This is where you can see the whole electronic catalog used in their projects. These are categorized depending on their nomenclature and use. Also, you can make use of the search bar; this gives the filtering facility depending on whatever needs to be used...