Neither has a node limitation and both have the capability to import PSpice models and use them in simulations. Both perform well, however, LTSpice is particularly fast when using built in devices. TINA-T...
PSPICE-FOR-TI PSpiceFAQAll Tags More This thread has been locked. If you have a related question, please click the "Ask a related question" button in the top right corner. The newly created question will be automatically linked to this question. ...
4月12日,从深圳证券交易所购入乙企业股票20 000股,该股票的公允价值为900 000元,另支付相关交易费用3 000元,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的增值税税额为180元,发票已通过税务机关认证。甲企业将该股票划分为交易性金融资产。(2)6月30日,甲企业持有乙企业股票的市价为920 000元。根据上述资料,不考...
All the rest of the SCH files (61%) have different formats, frequently e.g.KiCad Schematics,EAGLE schematic,DProtel for Windows schematic,MicroSim PSpice schematic,OrCAD SDT schematic,P-CAD schematic,Qucs schematic,DOC,HTML,UTF-16 (LE),config,SDTE,OrCADandDSCH. Sometimes used foradafruit,cont...
I do not know of a TI part named the THS5411. Can you tell me what the product is? The TINA models for signal chain products use a .lib file that can be used with a Spice simulator that supports PSpice .lib files. The TINA models for Power products are encrypted and can only be ...
my design as well and for that it seems I need the .lib file for it. For some of the components on TI there seems to be a PSpice pack containing both the .lib and .olb, but I'm wondering how to create one if you've only got the .olb. Or is there a similiar component with ...
reference, and I'm having trouble importing parts I downloaded from Ultra Librarian. Ultra Librarian didn't have an option for PSpice so I downloaded the OrCAD/Allegro version and from my research I need to use the model editor to import t...
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