my game is develop with unity engine, and the server side use recastnavigation for AI navigation. unity provide an API UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation to export navmesh data, so I wonder is there any way to create a dtNavMe... agents can not avoid moving objects, you can, but you need to write a behavior for this to check what's in front and avoid it while keeping the destination as target. It's definitly not trivial. Have...
Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.
I got Puppetmaster during the recent Madness sale, but I'm honestly not really sure what to use it for. :-) It's complex and requires an odd setup for your character that doesn't always play well with other assets. I might change my mind if ai have time to mess with...
Mr. Sakaguchi: It all started when I wanted to use dioramas to make stop-motion characters for the Terra Wars project. At that time, I also created the background using dioramas, and had the actual dioramas on hand. I was looking and imagining what it would be like if CG characters ...
Appears to be only used on Linux/HoloLens/iOS. AdditionalArguments: Command line arguments to use when building this target; aggregate of initial UBT command line args as well as any additional args specified for a target when a TargetList is specified Field NameCommand-line ArgDescription ...
004 How to use PlayerPrefs with Playmaker - 大小:50m 目录:03 Bonus Material 资源数量:63,其他_其他,Udemy - Make Awesomely Strange Video Games with Unity and Playmaker/03 Bonus Material/001 Introduction to Playmaker - Part I,Udemy - Make Awesomely Strang
020 How do I control when my animations are played - 大小:8m 目录:01 Intro to Game Dev with M dot Strange 资源数量:63,其他_其他,Udemy - Make Awesomely Strange Video Games with Unity and Playmaker/01 Intro to Game Dev with M dot Strange/001 Overview,Ude
Navmesh You can do a random walk ai pretty easily with Playmaker- just create your waypoint GameObjects- use "Select random game object" to set your next waypoint then use "Set destination as Game Object" to go to the waypoint...
需要导入扩展包Behavior Designer - Movement_Pack,Actions里面多了个控制移动的Movement选项。Patral:物体在多个点间来回巡逻,创建点物体后拖拽引用。需要给该物体添加NavMeshAgent组件,为场景中的地面物体勾上Navigation Static并烘培导航网格。 Seek:物体朝某个点移动,图标“o~>o”。目的地可以通过指定Target Transform...