Not all of the supplements are taken each month, and the amounts vary. It is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. The suggested dosage is one to 15 drops in 4 oz. of water, but you should consult your physician for your correct dosage. Start with one drop and increase over time....
Mullein leafandmarshmallow rootcan be taken together as a moistening, restorative, lung-supportive remedy when a dry cough is present. To make a simple tea, pour 1/2 ounce of each into a jar and steep in 1 quart of lukewarm/cold water for 4-8 hours, then strain and drink. ...
Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is a powerful natural antioxidant. It’s also antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. To use it topically, mix 10 drops of GSE with ½ oz of pure aloe vera juice. Use it to clean the ears. To use it internally, add 3...
glycerine, only water (water used to dilute alcohol is fine), or any menstruum (solvent) other than alcohol, your preparation is an extract, but it is not a tincture. Any spirit may be used, but many herbalists prefer something neutral like vodka so the taste of the herb comes ...
you should not exceed 2% of the total recipe weight. Therefore, to make these sinus congestion shower steamers, you may use up to 48 drops of essential oils. This gives you some wiggle room if you’d like to include an additional oil or add menthol crystals to the shower melts recipe. ...
Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is a powerful natural antioxidant. It’s also antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. To use it topically, mix 10 drops of GSE with ½ oz of pure aloe vera juice. Use it to clean the ears. To use it internally, add 3 to 5 drops of GSE to your dog...