Warriors are by far the more involved tanking class inWorld of Warcraft Classic. Great tanks will often “stance dance” use macros to make use of abilities locked behind specific equipment and stances. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll be focusing on the Protection tank – your general swor...
Some people also use macros to define constants like#define INF 1000000000, however we can also use the alternative:int const INF = 1000000000;. The advantages of using constants instead of macros include type-safety checking and respecting namespaces. Another macro that I often see is#define int...
Even casual players can make use of a macro or two, so we decided to setup this basic guide to help players who may not have ever used one before. Especially important are ‘mouseover macros’, which is where you can cast a spell on something without having to select it, instead it’...
One is all about whether it's safe to use electronic massagers when you've got a pacemaker. OK, whatever. The other literature review mentions some of the above, plus a few studies that aren't on the Medical Research page. In the part at the beginning talking about how they searched ...
Macros that works flawlessly for me would not inherently work for you unless you both play and are geared similarly to me. It is based on you, the macro you wish to use, and your character. With any sort of precision, there is no way to address this. ...
Ideally, you should plan around when you expect them to fall off rather than reacting to the duration ending. Addons can be very helpful in tracking this, and we have some options on our dedicated page. Feral Druid Addons and Macros Remember that if you expect a long downtime period ...
systems of a time whereWoWwas quite different than it is today. Whether you’re a longtime subscriber, someone who might want to jump back into the game, or a player thinking of tryingWoWfor the first time, we’ve compiled everything there is to know aboutWorld of Warcraft Classicright ...
Voidform, you get access to Void Bolt, which is instant and available often. Outside of Voidform, you can use Shadow Word: Death, Devouring Plague, or certain procs like Shadowy Insight. This means you can move a few yards after every instant cast ability you cast if you want to. Pla...
Expansion: WoW Classic Moonglade is a very Druid centric, neutral zone high in the mountains, near Mt. Hyjal. It is accessed by Druids very early on in their level progression through their class spell: Teleport to Moonglade. Druids acquire some of their class quests as well as some spe...
And everyone has their own choice of keybinds and macros, which makes it a very personal thing. For me, I couldn't seem to get used to rebinding C off character and R off reply to whisper - so I leave those as they are and make use of everything else around me with modifiers. ...