Using attack skills such asStormstrikedoes not start your auto attacks in WoW Classic, and as such, you should aim to use a macro such as the one above to easily engage enemies. If you want to use it with other skills, just copy the code and replace Stormstrike with the skill you wi...
Welcome to our Macros guide for Paladins where you will find out what the best macros are for your Paladin in WoW Classic. Classic Macros Guides 1Druid Macro Guide2Hunter Macro Guide3Mage Macro Guide4Paladin Macro Guide5Rogue Macro Guide6Shaman Macro Guide7Warlock Macro Guide8Warrior Macro Guid...
Hey guys! My name is Amery and here is a little something about me: I've been playing WoW for about 15 years now. With that experience, I wanted to share all the things I have learned over the years. Subscribe {} [+] 8 Comments Most Voted Oakenshield 1 year ago Frost is...
In this guide, we will talk about the mage’s spells, talents, matchups and possible combos in order to teach you how to dominate in the battlefields. 1. Picking a race for PvP Here is our recommendation for your Mage’s race for PvP in Classic WoW.. ...
There aren’t many useful macros while leveling, but one important one that I recommend always having is a startattack macro to make sure you are always auto-attacking while fighting. #showtooltip /startattack /cast Sinister StrikeCopy About the Author Passion I love MMOs of all shades, especial...
In this guide, I’m going to talk with you about how to get your 3 main tank runes as a Shaman in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. I will show all the locations to you and then you can get them easily. The most cool thing about Shaman tank runes is that you can get al...
While the post isn’t classic-specific, it does appear to be a good overview of macro syntax, and most classic deviations can be inferred: 1 Like Blake-stalagg November 12, 2019, 5:34pm 3 Phibbus: https://us....
Managing your pet is an important part of playing a warlock. Make sure you have a demon summoned at all times and keep an eye on its health as well as your own. You also want to make sure it’s attacking as soon as you are. The best way to do this is bymacroingit to your ope...
cd c:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer dotnet run --configuration Release As a library used within the bot The bot will use the PathingAPI to work out routes, these are shown on the route map as green points. Macros Warlock heal macro used in warlock profiles. #showtooltip Create Healthstone...
cd c:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer dotnet run --configuration Release As a library used within the bot The bot will use the PathingAPI to work out routes, these are shown on the route map as green points. Macros Warlock heal macro used in warlock profiles. #showtooltip Create Healthstone...