But what is actually important when it comes to manual welding? What can… Continue Reading 0 Comments By Katja Deinhofer Welding Knowhow Surprisingly lifelike: Learning to weld on welding simulators Posted on 30. October 2023 Watch Pia as she casually puts on her AR goggles, picks up ...
Clear out the dust from the socket once you are done sanding. This step is optional and should only be completed if the rot has made the socket uneven or jagged. Use the wood filler to round out any uneven or jagged divots in the socket or around the screw holes. ...
Injuries in manufacturing or industrial weld environments most commonly occur when the operator is not welding and has their helmet in the “up” position. In the past, it’s always been necessary to raise the helmet up for a clear line of sight while doing this kind of work. Clea...
Severe damage that penetrates the laminate layers of the ski or goes through the bottom layer of fiberglass into the core needs to be addressed before you fill the base. Sealing the core of a ski or board is important to prevent further structural damage, especially from water seeping into a...
C. Jeré was a well-known metal art maker. When a piece is "signed" it is not clear to us whether it means that Curtis himself hand signed it, or that it merely bears the mark of the C. Jeré school. Read more on Wikipedia.Q...
Hold the pipe and fitting together firmly for about 30 seconds which ensures a secure weld. Wipe away excess cement, for a cleaner look. Allow the cement to cure for 24 hours before pumping water through the system. Working With Threaded PVC Fittings Threaded PVC and fittings use tapered thre...
kid. Dad wouldn't stop for a look though. Dad NEVER stopped, he was always "getting there." My version of going somewhere on vacation is in retaliation to NEVER getting to stop and look at things on vacation. We drove past EVERYTHING on the way to Carlsbad Caverns and BACK one summer...
But... if it's tight, that may tightly drive the screw into the fork, essentially "overbraking" the brake. This shouldn't harm anything, except that the brake screw will be tough to remove. You will either want to use a vise grip on the flats of the screw end to drive it in...
-JB Weld 2-part epoxy for holding wires to the base.6. Additional items that help but aren’t needed-fine tip marker to mark measurements on the wires, help plan things on any reference sheets you make/print (mark center lines! Not so important on this particular project but others you...
Warning:Be very careful when applying heat to microphones, it could irreversibly damage the diaphragm. Keep the procedure(s) as short as possible. 1)Skin and solder the cable to the capsule, the shield to the outer shell of the capsule, keep soldering time as short as possible. Use some ...