Clad welding or cladding, also known as weld overlay, is a special welding process that is used to extend the service life of components and equipment. In particular when components are exposed to extreme conditions such as high temperatures, pressure, or aggressive chemicals, an additional protect...
Injuries in manufacturing or industrial weld environments most commonly occur when the operator is not welding and has their helmet in the “up” position. In the past, it’s always been necessary to raise the helmet up for a clear line of sight while doing this kind of work. Clea...
Severe damage that penetrates the laminate layers of the ski or goes through the bottom layer of fiberglass into the core needs to be addressed before you fill the base. Sealing the core of a ski or board is important to prevent further structural damage, especially from water seeping into a...
Clear out the dust from the socket once you are done sanding. This step is optional and should only be completed if the rot has made the socket uneven or jagged. Use the wood filler to round out any uneven or jagged divots in the socket or around the screw holes. ...
Hold the pipe and fitting together firmly for about 30 seconds which ensures a secure weld. Wipe away excess cement, for a cleaner look. Allow the cement to cure for 24 hours before pumping water through the system. Working With Threaded PVC Fittings Threaded PVC and fittings use tapered thre...
. Not a forge or anvil to be found. So I move on. Venturing into your realm, I would someday like to make an entire fence, gates and all, with tenon joinery, rivits, twists, decorative elements all over it for the eye to pick up on and the mind to enjoy. Not overly cluttered ...
Brazing would work, but JB Weld ⇦ this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] is a very good brand of epoxy glue which will probably work, is a lot simpler, and something you can probably do yourself. Luck & Regards, Ted Mooney, P.E. RET Striving to live Aloha - Pine ...
-JB Weld 2-part epoxy for holding wires to the base.6. Additional items that help but aren’t needed-fine tip marker to mark measurements on the wires, help plan things on any reference sheets you make/print (mark center lines! Not so important on this particular project but others you...
The better repair I am deferring for when I get better machine tools is to fill the holes with JB-Weld (epoxy) then re-drill and countersink to spec. The amount of strength needed to secure the RA window (or even an RA brake and greater forces it must withstand) is minimal compa...
no, i actually added two more layers of jb weld to it (the grey stuff). it looks like a huge wad of dried gum with a hole, a 9v and a wire sticking out of. i'll try an add a finished one later. my friend was over tonight and he was laughing at it. i'll probably end up...