Microsoft is finding more genius ways to prevent you from creating an offline (local) account for your Windows 11 PC, with the latest Windows 11 22H2 setup completely missing the option to use a local account, forcing you to either use a Microsoft account, or create one if you lack it....
enforcing all devices to have a certain screensaver, ensuring that the settings are set to whatever they need to be, or that the right software is installed on the machines, RMM gives MSPs the management tools they need to complete these tasks. ...
hi I have a person who has my password how can I get his ip and what could I do with his ip to stop him plzz email me Reply Lucian March 21, 2007 at 11:33 am Use, it gives accurate results. It’s almost imposible to get exact locati...
This security anchor is necessary to prevent a simple document from being copied and used by unauthorized parties. If the document is anchored to something that cannot be copied or cloned, like fingerprints, the security becomes strong enough to turn a relatively simple document into a powerful...
http://your-server-ip/opcache-gui opcache-gui Monitoring Tool Alternatively, you can also use command-line tools to get detailed information about cache performance. For example, to see the Opcache status from the command line, you can use the following command: ...
I use NDK socet API for connection to a TCP/IP server. After connect(), I need to receive data from server. Can I declare a callback function, which will be called after the data from TCP/IP server is received? If yes, how can i do it?
Countries will need to use their resources to fund these initiatives. Without serious and intensive intervention, it will take years for students to recover from pandemic-era learning loss. We have seen this happen before, whether due to past pandemics, natural disasters, or wars (Psacharopoulos...
How to change the SSH port number on a Linux server? Answer Connect to the server viaSSH. Open the SSH configuration file/etc/ssh/sshd_configin any text editor. In this example we are using thevi editor: #vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config ...
Requirement - alert only needs to trigger outside window even if server is down in maintenance window | tstats count where index=cts-dcpsa-app sourcetype=app:dcpsa host_ip IN (, by host | eval current_time=_time | eval excluded_start_time=strptime("202...
NOTE| In order to use any tool available for Alpine (Chrome agent pod), make sure to either remove the USER Block or add the particular install command in Chrome Agent DOCKERFILE , rebuild the image and redeploy the PSA. If you remove the USER block in Chrome Agent ...