psa-atmail noarch 1:1.05-cos6.build110120606.19 installed 13 M psa-backup-manager x86_64 11.0.9-cos6.build110120608.16 installed 8.5 M psa-backup-manager-vz x86_64 11.0.0-cos6.build110120123.10 installed 1.6 k psa-fileserver x86_64 11.0.9-cos6.build110120608.16 installed 367 k psa-firewall ...
Oh, and fuck you, DynDNS, for those bogus “you have to login into the web interface once per 30 days”. That is all. Twitch Mobile Stream API Posted byJulianon3. September 2013 I recently figured out how to access the mobile devices streams that puts out for their Android ...
Countries will need to use their resources to fund these initiatives. Without serious and intensive intervention, it will take years for students to recover from pandemic-era learning loss. We have seen this happen before, whether due to past pandemics, natural disasters, or wars (Psacharopoulos...
Hackers also scan websites to identify the software being used to operate them. They do this toexploit any security vulnerabilitiesfound in the software. In some cases, these scans may even attempt to access passwords that have been accidentally left behind by web designers in web space files. ...
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the musculoskeletal system, skin and nails. In addition to peripheral joints, inflamm
Endpoint managementallows MSPs to provide proactive management and maintenance for their clients’ machines. The RMM’s ability to access endpoints at any time of day enables quick and speedy remediation of machine issues. This way, they can support the good health and proper functioning of machines...
As PSA service accounts and roles are configured for cluster-level permissions to do certain operations on the Helm level. Having cluster-level permissions would imply that the Agent requires access to different namespaces in the cluster. Refer toCreate the Kubernetes Clusterin t...
( you can check the path for other jars in this window ) To: File > Project Structure > SDKs > Intellij IDEA Community Edition IC-XXX.XXXX.XX > Classpath Also, you will need to add the following to plugin.xml: <depends>Git4Idea</depends> ...
I am compelled to believe everything installed ok - but I can't seem to access nginx through web, and restarting the server crashes my centos 7 install (can't access SSH or IP anymore; no idea why) Install log:
or take a question, have access to that information. When you post a question on myask a questionpage, the software that processes your question knows your IP address, and includes that information on the automated email that confirms your question. ...