HowToUseIf FunctionWith Text In Excel:Finding Specific Text If you need to find a specific piece of text in one or more cells, you can easily do so with the IF function. 1.Forexample, if you need to see if a specific word is contained in a cell or range of cells, you could us...
You’ll find the bonuses for those who have met the sales target, and the formula will return with the statement “Not Applicable” if target sales are not achieved. Read More: How to Use MAX IF Function in Excel Method 3 – Using Nested IF Functions in Excel In the sample table, th...
AND(C5>40,C5<=45)=TRUE, 2 —-> returns the Grade Point 2.00 if the mark is in the range (40, 45]. TRUE, 0 —-> returns the Grade Point 0.00 if the mark is below 40. Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill the lower cells. Read More: How to Use IF with AND Function in Excel Me...
How to Use the IFS Function in Excel? Using the Excel IFS function is easy and simple. First, select the cell where you want the result to show up. Then, type the IFS formula in that cell, following the pattern we mentioned earlier. You need to replace "value_if_true1," "value_if...
The IF function returns different values depending on whether a condition is true or false. Use it in the form =IF(Condition,True,False). For example, =IF(C2>=60,"Pass","Fail") will return "Pass" if the value in C2 is equal to or over 60 and "Fail" if the value is under 60...
How to use IF in Excel =IF(A2>85, “Excellent”, “”) will display the text “Excellent” if the value in cell A2 is greater than 85. Otherwise, a blank will be displayed. 2. IFS =IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1, [logical_test2, value_if_true2],...) What it does Returns...
IF Function Examples Here are some of the different ways you can use IF formulas in Excel: Write Text If Statement Is True =IF(A2>A3,"Bigger","Smaller") This is a really basic example of an IF statement in Excel. The test is to see ifA2is larger thanA3. If it is, writeBigger,...
This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel IF function with syntax and examples. The Microsoft Excel IF function returns one value if the condition is TRUE, or another value if the condition is FALSE.
The IF Function in Excel – How to use it? TheIFfunction in Excel can perform logical tests and can return either aTRUE or a FALSE value. For example, to set passing scores for those scores that are 74 and above: =IF(A1>74,”Pass”,”Fail”) ...
Here, Excel will simply check if the value in cell B2 is greater than 19 or not. Since it is greater than 19, it shows Adult in C2. And it does the same for all cells. Finally, we get this: This was a simple example of an IF function in Excel. However, most of the time you...