HowToUseIf FunctionWith Text In Excel:Finding Specific Text If you need to find a specific piece of text in one or more cells, you can easily do so with the IF function. 1.Forexample, if you need to see if a specific word is contained in a cell or range of cells, you could us...
If you don’t define 2nd and 3rd arguments but just use a Comma(,), then the function will return 0 for any logical test. The IF function can’t include more than one logic statement. You’ll need to use nested IF where multiple conditions can be added. Or, you can use the IFS ...
Hit the Enter key to show the outcome. NOTE: The COUNTIF function searches for a case-insensitive match. If you use the formula IF(COUNTIF(C5:C21,”emily bronte”)>0,”There is”, “There is Not”), it will still return “There is”. How Does the Formula Work? COUNTIF(C5:C21,...
In Airtable, an IF function lets you compare: dates values text strings text fields numeric fields or any other field To use an IF function in Airtable, you’ll need to create a new field. You can do so by scrolling to the right of your base in any grid view and clicking the "+" ...
How to Write an IF Statement in Excel Use the Nested IF Function in Excel Summary The IF function returns different values depending on whether a condition is true or false. Use it in the form =IF(Condition,True,False). For example, =IF(C2>=60,"Pass","Fail") will return "Pass" if...
When using the Excel IFS function, always start with the most specific conditions and gradually move towards the more general ones. You can use up to 127 pairs of logical_test and value_if_true in the IFS function. If you need to check for additional conditions, you can consider using nes...
This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel IF function with syntax and examples. The Microsoft Excel IF function returns one value if the condition is TRUE, or another value if the condition is FALSE.
IF Function Examples Here are some of the different ways you can use IF formulas in Excel: Write Text If Statement Is True =IF(A2>A3,"Bigger","Smaller") This is a really basic example of an IF statement in Excel. The test is to see ifA2is larger thanA3. If it is, writeBigger,...
If no cells in the range meet the criteria, AVERAGEIF returns the #DIV/0! error value. Wildcard characters (*, ?, ~) are supported for partial matches. To average cells based on multiple criteria, use the AVERAGEIFS function instead. How to use AVERAGEIF in Excel See example below. 4...
Using OR Operator With IF Function For the third week, the company has made a good profit and is giving a bonus to workers who have met any one of the two conditions. In this case, you can use OR operator as a test argument for the IF statement to filter out an exact number of wo...