Unity project that demonstrates how to use theKtxUnity package. You have to download theExample image filesseparately and extract them into theAssets/StreamingAssetsfolder (for runtime loading tests) and/orAssets/Textures/Demo(for Editor import). ...
Learn how to use Frida with Unity app This tutorial will help you understand quickly and easily how to mod Unity apps and games with Frida.Watch the tutorial video along with reading this document:IntroductionAccording to Frida document, Frida is Greasemonkey for native apps, or, put in more ...
For our technical stack, we use Azure technology. Azure Blob and Azure Data Lake are our primary storage technologies. We also have a great partnership with Azure Databricks — so there are a couple of options of how to virtualize a data ecosystem. We're in ...
Many coders choose to use GitHub because of its vast, open-source community, which comprises more than 100 million users. By uploading your code there, you can potentially gain valuable feedback and increase your work’s visibility. Try block-based coding if you are having trouble learning ...
Continuous Integration:Making sure all your code is merged together in one place. Get your team to use Git and you’ll be using CI. Continuous Delivery:Making sure your code is continuously ready to be shipped. Meaning producing read-to-distribute version of your product quickly. ...
The basic system is fairly simple, and can be built in pretty much any programming language and environment available. We'll be building it inUnity, which should be relatively easy to set up. If you want to check out the code directly, you can get the project filesfrom GitHub. ...
First, you need to create a speech configuration from your LUIS prediction key and region. You can use speech configurations to create recognizers for the various capabilities of the Speech SDK. The speech configuration has multiple ways to specify the resource you want to use; here,...
As explained in theofficial BEM documentation, the easiest way to start you own new BEM project is to use existingGIT repository. Simply use Git clone command: $ gitclonehttps://github.com/bem/project-stub.git Next, go to a newly created directory and install all dependencies: ...
First, you need to create a speech configuration from your LUIS prediction key and region. You can use speech configurations to create recognizers for the various capabilities of the Speech SDK. The speech configuration has multiple ways to specify the resource you want to use; here, we use ...
We can use this same approach to support awaiting other types of objects too, including all of the classes that Unity uses for coroutine instructions! We can make WaitForSeconds, WaitForFixedUpdate, WWW, etc all awaitable in the same way that they are yieldable within coroutines. We can also...