Ginger is one of the popular ingredients in every Indian kitchen. However, the benefits of ginger are not limited to the kitchen but extend to the ancient medicine system Ayurveda. Ginger has been in use in many Indian households as a remedy for cold in the form of tea. Even western cuisi...
The ginger was a fairly expensive spice, having the fact that it had to bring from Asia, it was still in high demand. A Spanish explorer attempted to introduce ginger in Mexico, West Indies, and South America in the 16the century, these areas continually began to use, and the precious h...
Ginger’s spicy nature supports our ability to digest food, as well as stimulating digestion and calming an upset stomach. It also supports a healthy circulation, leaving you feel positively uplifted for the rest of your day. The ginger we use in Three Ginger, Turmeric Active and our Chai ...
What are superfoods? They're nutrient-dense foods that provide a host of health benefits you definitely want. Add these 25 to your diet.
9. Include ginger in your diet Researchers have found that people who eatGingerregularly exhibit increased metabolic rates, and some even use it as a weight-loss aid. In one study, participants were given 1 gram of ginger per day or a placebo for five days. At the end of five days, th...
Slicing and Cutting Ginger in Matchsticks (Julienne): Ginger is quite fibrous. The fibers are in the direction of the root of the ginger and its lobes. Slice the peeled area of the ginger root, across the grain of the fibers, into coins. (Use the coins to makecandied ginger!) ...
Here are some easy tips on how to get more vegetables into your diet: See also, Heart-Healthy Foods, How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally? 1. Baby carrots as a snack This first one is obvious, but sometimes we need a reminder. Put away your processed snack and fall in love with these ...
Place the chicken breast between 2 layers of parchment paper, use a meat mallet or rolling pin, and whack the thickest parts of the breast so that they are all an even thickness. Use your marinade of choice. This is KEY to keeping the chicken flavorful and really locking in the juices,...
Nature has provided us with an abundance of antioxidants – some of them familiar, others not so. I hope, however, that you'll be able to consume more antioxidants in your diet. What's your favorite antioxidant-rich food or drink?
Step 4: Prep your produce. Along with a clean workspace and produce, you may have to peel and/or chop some of the produce ahead of time. In general, produce that has a skin like oranges, ginger and beets should be peeled before juicing. Watermelon and pineapple may ease the burden on...