While virtual reality isn’t required to use VRChat, it does offer a much higher level ofimmersionthan VRChat’s Desktop Mode, which only requires a PC. The tracking provided byVR headsets, combined with their high-quality,three-dimensional displaysand spatial audio, provides a more realistic, ...
More on that later.How do I get full-body tracking in VRChat?What you need for FBT in VRChat depends on the hardware you’re running, but with any setup, you’ll have to make use of VR trackers like the VIVE Tracker (3.0) or VIVE Ultimate Tracker. These are tracked objects worn on...
bring them over. And it seems like that’s a feature that’s going to get a lot better as soon as the headsets have standard eye tracking across the board, games, like I Expect You To Die or even Half-Life: Alyx where you’re looking at objects all around you. It can take a few...