客户端新功能让我们从一个重大特性的视频开始介绍这个版本:原生眼动追踪!原生眼动追踪已经来了!目前支持Quest Pro独立设备以及OSC输入。在“跟踪和IK”主菜单页面有许多新的设置可用,例如:分别禁用眼睛注视和眼睑追踪将眼睛追踪设置为在您静音时关闭(以防您想保持眼睛
一个视频告诉你目前所有眼追面捕头显优缺点和眼追效果 851 -- 0:53 App HTC vive pro eye 眼追效果展示【VRChat眼追面捕】 715 -- 1:58 App 小派水晶玩VRChat手柄摇杆失效(失灵)的解决方法 9367 2 0:28 App VRChat是真正的性能怪兽 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开...
What VR headsets work with VRChat? Do you need a VR headset to play VRChat? How to play VRChat on a PC without a headset? Is Oculus Quest good for VRChat How do I install VRChat? Is VRChat free? Do you need headphones for VRChat?
VR社交应用《VRChat》将推出移动版本,内容与Quest基本相同,预计安卓版将在3-4个月内在VRChat Plus用户之间测试,iOS版本也在开发中,但还没有明确时间表。 VR|Eye of the Temple登陆Quest 2 热门大空间冒险类VR游戏《Eye of the Temple》将推出Quest 2一体机版,具体上线时间未公开。据悉,该作在2021年已登陆SteamV...
VR|Eye of the Temple登陆Quest 2 热门大空间冒险类VR游戏《Eye of the Temple》将推出Quest 2一体机版,具体上线时间未公开。据悉,该作在2021年已登陆SteamVR。 VR|Litesport用真实哑铃VR训练 VR健身应用《Litesport》推出了力量训练课程,特点是通过身体追踪来替代VR手柄,允许你在VR健身时配合真实哑铃,结合VST透视...
Oculus Rift S和Quest的主要差别在哪呢?Quest是无线一体机。而要实现无线一体机,依赖两个技术的突破: 第一个是定位技术,Oculus Rift之前的定位技术是Outside-in,你要玩之前,要放一个摄像头或者是两个基站,而且一旦放好了之后,你很难挪动,又占地方又麻烦。Quest采用Inside-out定位技术,靠头显上的4个摄像头定位...
While Apple has aimed for the high-end with its US$3,500 headset, Meta has focused its attention on the low end, with a wireless headset that is seven times cheaper than the Apple Vision Pro! (Of course, you could also use the Quest 3 as a PCVR headset, but most people don’t ...
How (Not) to make your avatar Quest compatible- An alternative guide for achieving Quest compatibility Optimize World- Tutorial for shrinking file size down for large maps Easy Quest Switch- Automate changes to components within a scene Make Your Game Run on Quest (GDC)- Tips on getting the ...
quest3搭配cymple面捕眼追测试 【VRChat】Pico 4 Pro 瑞希面補1.2版本演示 这就是面捕的魔力吧,忍不住会心一笑 【VRChat】Pico4Pro面捕效果 【VRChat】Pico 4 Pro Chiffon 面補演示 可怜的vrc玩家 【VRChat】HTC Pro Eye Chiffon 面捕演示 梦鲨FT-01 PICO4演示 (内含实战视频)玩VRC“E”的话 ...
and a refresh rate topping out at a 90 Hz for a smooth gaming experience. Throw in cinematic 3D positional sound, a lightweight design, an adjustable strap, and the easiest setup of pretty much any commercial headset thanks to in-built tracking, and the Oculus Quest 2 is as plug-and-pla...