The best way to become acquainted with the new tools, controls, and features available in Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services is to use them. This tutorial walks you through SSIS Designer to create an ETL package that includes looping, configurations, error flow logic, and logging. ...
SQL USEImportFromExcel; GOSELECT*INTOData_lsFROMEXCELLINK...[Data$]; GO 可以通过 SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 或运行系统存储过程sp_addlinkedserver(如以下示例所示)创建链接服务器。 SQL DECLARE@RCINT;DECLARE@serverNVARCHAR(128);DECLARE@srvproductNVARCHAR(128);DECLARE@providerNVARCHAR(128);DEC...
-- Use cursor logic from below substituting this as your source --SELECT -- * --FROM -- SSISDB.catalog.object_parameters AS OP --WHERE -- OP.value_type = 'V' -- AND OP.value_set = CAST(1 AS bit); -- -- Use the following method to remove existing configurations...
Once you have that, you could use the import/export wizard in SSMS to import db2 table. This wizard creates a very basic package, so if this process is a 'one of' kind of process...
advanced logging: through Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). When you enable ETW logging, an event trace log (.etl) file is generated. You typically use ETW logging on the Microsoft Exchange server where you have a mailbox. In this situation, you experience one or more of the following ...
After all the engineering effort, it would be selfish to keep the INSERT INTO local SELECT .. FROM distributed feature just for internal use. So, we added support for the feature in Citus 9.4.\n\n What does the Citus undistribute_table() function do, under...
Put the truncation script in a third Execute SQL task, then perform whatever other ETL processes you need to do prior to attaching the CREATE and CHECK scripts in a final Execute SQL task (or two if desired) at the end of your control flow. Storage of the scripts in real tables has...
COALESCE is one of the tools you have in SQL Server to work with NULL values. It may not be the first one you think of, but it can be a very good choice. In this tip I will provide examples of how you can use COALESCE to peacefully coexist with NULL values. ...
If source data is huge then we might want to use Lookup table approach and invoke parallel copies. In this case, we have considered to copy entire Db2 to Table to Azure SQL in a single copy activity. Sample set up on Sink (Azure SQL) ...
Finally, we review all the new features for In-Memory OLTP in SQL Server 2016 as well as Azure SQL Database (staring 1:03:11), to make it easier to adopt the technology, and manage applications using the technology.When and How to use In-Memory OLTP?