To use a time zone other than the system default for just one shell session, set the TZ environment variable to the name of a file in /usr/share/ zoneinfo and test the change, like this: 要在仅对一个shell会话使用非系统默认时区,请将TZ环境变量设置为/usr/share/zoneinfo中的文件名,并测试...
Otherwise, Windows will continue to give the disk drive commands to access data for the needs of the other applications. When that happens, SeaTools will temporarily suspend its current progress while the drive is busy. This is harmless to the drive and a routine condition of use; however, ...
functionality of the drive in background mode and will suspend self-testing to service any other commands. When "Seagate Drive Test" is selected this test is performed for any Seagate drive which supports DST functionality. If a drive fails testing, follow your system's authorized service ...
Ubuntu and SLES don't use the firewalld service, so iptable rules are an efficient mechanism to achieve port routing. The iptable rules might not persist during restarts, so the following commands also provide instructions for restoring the rules after a restart. Create routing rules for port...
Ubuntu and SLES do not use the firewalld service, so iptable rules are an efficient mechanism to achieve port routing. The iptable rules might not persist during restarts, so the following commands also provide instructions for restoring the rules after a restart....
Ubuntu and SLES don't use the firewalld service, so iptable rules are an efficient mechanism to achieve port routing. The iptable rules might not persist during restarts, so the following commands also provide instructions for restoring the rules after a restart....
Function: These commands are used to diagnose the service process of the AP. Pay attention to whether there are exceptions in the printed information. The process for an AP to go online involves various phases, including IP address allocation, discovery, join, configuration delivery, and configurat...
Function: These commands are used to diagnose the service process of the AP. Pay attention to whether there are exceptions in the printed information. The process for an AP to go online involves various phases, including IP address allocation, discovery, join, configuration delivery, and configurat...
firewalld service, iptable rules are an efficient mechanism to achieve this. Example of such distrubution are Ubuntu 16.04 and SUSE Enterprise Linux v12. The iptable rules may not persist during reboots, so the following commands also provide instructions for restoring the rules after a reboot....
Use HTTP/2 Maintaining SSL sessions Use exact names in a server_name directive where possible Avoid checks server_name with if directive Use return directive instead rewrite for redirects Make an exact location match to speed up the selection process Use limit_conn to improve limiting the download...