TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseasonclocksegs", {summer={day=sx,dusk=sy,night=sz}, winter={day=wx,dusk=wy,night=wz}})▉设置季节(summer)天数TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseasonlength", {season="summer", length=15}) 收起回复 举报|9楼2018-02-18 23:24 ...
The day (1 in the example) is also arbitrary Logically we could have created a new Date(), then .setMonth(v), but using the arbitrary numbers is more compact and faster Now that we have the dates, getTimezoneOffset() returns the offsets for each month and pushes...
You can change the time-of-day parameters for a system that runs the Optical Operating System (ONS) with a single configuration command. Here is the format of the command: SET-TOD:[<TID>]::<CTAG>::<YEAR>,<MONTH>,<DAY>, <HOUR>,<MINUTE>,<SECOND>,[<DIFF>][:DST=<DST>]; ...
Example: Using a mod or console command to view the entire map without exploring it. not-example: Getting Ancient Guardian stuck on graves or a pillar so that he can't reach you while you attack. Logic: Console commands and mods largely fall under the definition of "cheating" ...
Fare clic sull'intestazione di colonna appropriata per il set di fasi di sviluppo utilizzato. Si noti che la versione di rilascio del test di sistema non corrisponde alla versione di Unified CallManager. Passare al collegamento per il manuale di aggiornamento del sistema. Nota:...
cal.setTime(d2); int offset_preday = cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET); if(offset_day == offset_preday) System.out.println("There was no change in the daylight saving time offset"); else System.out.println("The daylight saving time offset was changed"); ...
- Pause when console is open (default disabled) Known quirks: - If you paused from the menu, then go to run a command, you will see a tiny bit of time passing when you press enter. This is unavoidable. Without unpausing for that tiny amount of time, I cannot allow the command to ...
It uses the command line in the Terminal app. With the release 0.0.1b PortableOSX finally gets in the beta stage. If no Intel code is submitted before the final version, the code itself will not change. This release includes some minor bug fixes, some textual interface improvements, and ...
log.Println("正在更新游戏", "cluster: ", clusterName, "command: ", updateGameCMd) @@ -240,6 +240,38 @@ func (g *GameService) LaunchLevel(clusterName, level string, bin, beta int) { } func (g *GameService) StopLevelWithoutLog(clusterName, level string) { if isWindows() { Window...
This opens the Run command box. Then type “certmgr.msc” in the Open command line and click OK. The “Certificates” browser will open up. The next step is to locate and delete 3 items: R3 Certificate and DST ROOT CA X3 (one of these two certificates appears in two of the folders...