We will not have a need for fibrous casings in this post but might be interested in using the collagen casings. The hardest part about using natural casings is finding them in the first place. Go ahead and ask at the meat counter of your supermarket if they carry them; sometimes they ...
You also need to let the stuffed casings "rest" 24 hours overnight in the fridge before you smoke them. That will give the collagen time to soften up and bind with the meat product. When you cook the sausage fry it in butter and that will crisp up the cases. I usually cut the ...
You can use natural or synthetic (fibrous or collagen) casings with the KitchenAid®Sausage Stuffer Kit. For the small stuffer tube, casings should measure 21 - 23 mm in diameter. For the large stuffer tube, casings should measure 28 - 30 mm in diameter. ...
If you want to make a delicious snack, then try making beef sticks. The process used to make a beef stick is like that used to make sausage. A grinder with a stuffing attachment allows you to pack the collagen cases carefully with your own seasoned beef mixture. Collagen, a protein in ...