I used small, boneless and skinless chicken breasts for this recipe. They were about 5-6 ounces each and I think if your chicken breasts are larger, you should cut them into smaller pieces so that the brine has a chance to infuse the chicken before you cook it. Do use 1/4 cup Kosher...
How to Cook Tuna Steak for a Fast Gourmet-Style Dinner How to Bake Fish to Flaky Perfection Under 10 Minutes How Long to Boil Potatoes 3 Ways So They're Perfectly Cooked How to Boil Chicken Breasts: Our No-Fail Method for Juicy Chicken How to Cook a Steak in the Air Fryer How...
Rub oil or softened butter all over the chicken, tuck herbs under the skin if you wish, and season your all over with salt. I like to tuck some lemon slices and rosemary under the chicken too, but you can put other hearty veggies or aromatics under the wire rack. Place the chicken on...
Honestly, I didn’t think a spice rub was necessary, but if you have a favorite dry rub you like to use, go for it. Or if you’d like to add a little sweet flavor, try adding some brown sugar to your spice rub How to Make The Best Smoked Boneless Chicken Breast For this chicke...
Chinese yellow wine 黄酒 is the alternative that you can use. Stock. The flavor of the drunken chicken depends mainly on the stock. You can request the chicken vendor to debone the chicken leg and pack the bones separately. The bone is perfect for preparing stock to make the soaking ...
Carving a turkey is a whole lot easier to do than you might think. Here’s a great video on how to carve your turkey right. And once you’re done carving the turkey, use the same method when you carve my favorite roast chicken too. Easy Side Dishes to Serve With Your Roast Turkey ...
How to Carve a Turkey Use your instant-read thermometer to test for peak flavor and moistness. The turkey is cooked when it reaches the following internal temperatures: 180° to 185°F (82° to 85°C) deep in the thigh;also, juices should be clear, not pink, when the thigh muscle ...
I am new to this and have a quick question. How do you apply your rub and how much do you use. I am using the cookshack rib rub right from the container... Mike
Use Thawed Chicken: Sometimes your whole chicken might be purchased frozen or perhaps you placed it in the freezer to store it for a time. However, your chicken should be safely thawed before you attempt to spatchcock and roast it.
I’ve cooked at least one turkey a year for the past 15 years, and sometimes more if I’m testing something for work. Let’s just say that I know how to cook a turkey, and it’s not as scary as it seems. In fact, if you’ve ever made a roast chicken, you can...