. I also tried calculatetable instead of calculate in variation 1. same error. So I tried the following: countrows(filter(events, events[Created] < past_year[startdate] && events[Completed] < past_year[End])) Oddly, this yielded ony a single total applying to the...
How I could turn that into PowerQuery langugage so it would become a static "flag" in my data base instead of dynamic calculation? Message 3 of 5 1,126 Views 0 Reply tamerj1 Super User 09-10-2022 09:03 AM Hi @Byte_me please use = COUNTROWS ( CALCULATETAB...
To summarise, in order to expand the evaluation context beyond the original one (defined by the rows, columns, filters, etc.), we still need to use the CALCULATE/CALCULATETABLE function arguments when defining variables. Regards, Michael Amadi ...
In response to EVG-Questions 08-02-2022 01:10 AM Try: Countrows A or D = VAR _Table = CALCULATETABLE ( VALUES ( 'FactTable'[Cat1] ), ALLEXCEPT ( FactTable, FactTable[ID] ) ) VAR _Vals = { "A", "D" } VAR _INTS = INTERSECT ( _Table, _Vals ) RETURN IF ...
I've provided two measures, almost identical, except one has an outside SUMX to enable subtotals/totals: Eligible amount for Bonus ($) = VAR CurDate = SELECTEDVALUE( 'TX Table'[Date] ) VAR CurRef = SELECTEDVALUE( 'TX Table'[Ref#] ) VAR RefRankTable = CALCULATETABLE( VALUES( 'TX...
CALCULATETABLE ( Answers, USERELATIONSHIP (Anwers[AnswerKey], Filter1[AnswerKey] ) ) ) In case someone is looking for this, it'shere[/url]. Yep, "Here's your sign." ... after more playing around with this... I got this working... I guess CALCULATETABLE is something I need to figur...
In response to EVG-Questions 08-02-2022 01:10 AM Try: Countrows A or D = VAR _Table = CALCULATETABLE ( VALUES ( 'FactTable'[Cat1] ), ALLEXCEPT ( FactTable, FactTable[ID] ) ) VAR _Vals = { "A", "D" } VAR _INTS = INTERSECT ( _Table, _Vals ) RETURN IF ...
Filter = VAR _SELECTRANK = SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Date'[Rank] ) VAR _DATELIST = CALCULATETABLE ( VALUES ( 'Date'[Date] ), FILTER ( ALL ( 'Date' ), 'Date'[Rank] >= _SELECTRANK && 'Date'[Rank] <= _SELECTRANK + 5 ) ) RETURN IF ( MAX ( 'Table'[Date] ) IN _DATELIST, 1, 0...
[ActiveSale_mnth]) var _totalValues = CALCULATETABLE(VALUES('Table'[Value]),ALLSELECTED('Table'[Value])) var _total = COUNTROWS(FILTER(_table,[active_sale_mnth] IN _totalValues)) var _count = COUNTROWS(FILTER(_table,[active_sale_mnth] IN VALUES('Table'[Valu...
The measure for the calculated column approach is now adjusted to match the DAX Pattern approach above: ValuationLastDateDAXPatternCC = VAR maxDate = MAX ( DateTable[Date] ) VAR maxValuationDates = CALCULATETABLE ( ADDCOLUMNS ( SUMMARIZE ( 'TransactionsExtended', Entity[Entity] )...