Some of the most important types of resources for players to get their hands on inValheimthough are metals. These can be used to craft strong armor and weapons in the game that will allow the player to take more hits before dying and dish out higher amount of damage. Without a doubt, o...
You primarily want to visit the Black Forest if you want to find core wood. The Valheim tutorial bird, Hugen, one of Odin’s ravens, recommends that you do not visit this location until you have proven yourself against the Forsaken, Eikthyr. They’re the first boss in the game, and w...
What to bring: Margit's Shackle Morgott is one of the hardest bosses in the game. He's extremely quick, deals a lot of damage, and his attacks have very wide arcs. I recommend you summon Melina, and use NPC ashes like Oleg for the first phase in order to split his aggro. At firs...