Raiseskill 技能名 提升等级数 技能名: Unarmed 小拳拳 Clubs 棍 Blocking 格挡 Polearms 长柄武器 Axes 斧 Bows 弓 Knives 刀 Pickaxes 镐 Swords 剑 Jump 跳跃 Sneak 潜行 WoodCutting 伐木 Spears 矛 Run 跑 Swim 游泳 BloodMagic 嗜血魔法 Crossbows 弩 ElementalMagic 元素魔法 Fishing 钓鱼 Ride 骑乘 spawn...
比如说你当前的钓鱼技能是10级,那么输入raiseskill fishing 30 后,你的钓鱼技能等级就会变成40级。提升“钓鱼”技能等级30级raiseskill fishing 30提升“弩”技能等级30级raiseskill crossbows 30提升“元素魔法”技能等级30级raiseskill elementalmagic 30提升“嗜血魔法”技能等级30级raiseskill bloodmagic 30其他道具邪...
Weapon: Arbalest (crossbow – new skill!) Bolts: Iron Bolt, Bone Bolt, Black Metal Bolt, Carapace Bolt Weapon: Staff of frost (elemental magic – new skill!) Weapon: Staff of protection (blood magic – new skill!) Weapon: Dead raiser (blood magic – new skill!) Weapon: Staff of ember...
Weapon: Skoll and Hati (dual-wielded knives) Weapon: Arbalest (crossbow – new skill!) Bolts: Iron Bolt, Bone Bolt, Black Metal Bolt, Carapace Bolt Weapon: Staff of frost (elemental magic – new skill!) Weapon: Staff of protection (blood magic – new skill!) Weapon: Dead raiser (blood...
Fists is a skill related to Fists weapon class, including Bare fists. Higher skill level in fists reduces the stamina cost to attack down to -33% and increases damage and knockback up to +141%. For the details of damage scaling, see Damage mechanics#Skil
48 (0 skill)72 (100 skill) 96 (0 skill)144 (100 skill)Block forceParry bonus 20 2x Passive Movement speed -5% The Mistwalker is the fifth sword. Primary attack is a 3-hit combo with double damage on the last hit. No damage penalty against multiple targets. Secondary attack deals 3x ...
With this fix, things like Fae Iron, Voidmetal, Phasefiber, and Petrified Wood should now have an appropriate chance to drop after you reach a certain Trade Skill level. This chance can be increased by eating the appropriate Trade Skill when gathering. ...
提升“钓鱼”技能等级30级 raiseskill fishing 30 提升“弩”技能等级30级 raiseskill crossbows 30 提升“元素魔法”技能等级30级 raiseskill elementalmagic 30 提升“嗜血魔法”技能等级30级 raiseskill bloodmagic 30 其他道具 邪煞之根(貌似是之前版本的道具)...
Raiseskill 技能名 提升等级数 技能名: Unarmed 小拳拳 Clubs 棍 Blocking 格挡 Polearms 长柄武器 Axes 斧 Bows 弓 Knives 刀 Pickaxes 镐 Swords 剑 Jump 跳跃 Sneak 潜行 WoodCutting 伐木 Spears 矛 Run 跑 Swim 游泳 BloodMagic 嗜血魔法 Crossbows 弩 ElementalMagic 元素魔法 Fishing 钓鱼 Ride 骑乘 spawn...
Raiseskill 技能名 提升等级数 技能名: Unarmed 小拳拳 Clubs 棍 Blocking 格挡 Polearms 长柄武器 Axes 斧 Bows 弓 Knives 刀 Pickaxes 镐 Swords 剑 Jump 跳跃 Sneak 潜行 WoodCutting 伐木 Spears 矛 Run 跑 Swim 游泳 BloodMagic 嗜血魔法 Crossbows 弩 ElementalMagic 元素魔法 Fishing 钓鱼 Ride 骑乘 spawn...