Amaranth is resistant to insects and disease. Mildew problems may occur in warm, humid weather. If insect or disease problems occur, treat problems as soon as they appear. Use organic or chemical insect repellents and fungicides. If you are going to eat the leaves or seeds, avoid chemical ...
How to use row cover fabrics: Lay over plants (flat over small seedlings, loosely over tall plants); use over hoop frame. Since they “breathe” they may be used day and night—no need to remove when temps are warm. They can also be used during spring and summer seasons. Poly low tu...
❶ Wash the cabbage/amaranth leaves thoroughly. Remove the tough bottom stems and discard any damaged parts. Soak the leaves in water to loosen any dirt, then rinse under running water to clean. Make sure to remove any rotten or dirty parts that could affect the fermentation. ❷ For the...
Amaranth RELATED: 5 Best Pruning Shears for Your Garden What Plants Don’t Like Eggshells Basically, shell fertilizer isn’t going to hurt any of your plants. Flowers need less calcium than vegetables, so they might benefit less. So how exactly do you go about using the eggshells in your ...
The leaves can be used like spinach and can be sauteed, steamed, added to soups, and much more. The dried amaranth seeds can be popped like popcorn, ground into flour, cooked into breakfast porridge, used to thicken soups and stews, and more! For such a tiny seed, amaranth packs a ...
These are just a few ways to use Moringa leaves - the possibilities are endless! For other ways to incorporate Moringa into your diet; see our OTHER LINKS or visit our other website at I Love Moringa, or just use your imagination! ~ ~ ~ HOW TO ADD MORINGA LEAVES TO YOUR DIET ~ ~ ...
Yes, star jasmine cuttings can be propagated in water. Following the step-by-step guide above, prepare your cuttings, ensuring that they are 4 to 5 inches in size and have only 1 or 2 leaves. Instead of growing in soil, place each stem in a small cup of water. After a few weeks,...
Methi Puri:Mince some fresh fenugreek leaves and add them to the dough to make Methi Puri. You can also use dried and crushed fenugreek leaves. Aloo Puri:Stuff the puri with mashed potatoes seasoned with carom seeds, chilli flakes, salt, and coriander while rolling them out. ...
Hermit crabs use modified gills to breath, so their crabitat needs to be nice and moist at all times! Step 10: Leftovers! (method Four) Do you have a few wilty leaves left over in a tub of greens? How about the core of a sliced apple? Making eggs? Don't toss the shell, share ...
Use mulch (shredded leaves, brown cardboard, straw, or wood chips) to cover the soil around your plants! This covering blocks weed seeds from sunlight so they don’t germinate, inhibits growth underneath itself, and retains moisture. Mulch also provides needed nutrients as it decomposes over ti...