flag:N means other session holding lock on sequence, not available to update/increase sequence value. CREATE FUNCTION `nextval`(v_seq_name varchar(30)) RETURNS INT NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY DEFINER COMMENT '' begin declare v_flag char(1); ...
In Oracle Application Express, you can create check boxes as items, or you can create check boxes in reports. Check boxes on a form work similarly to a list of values. When you define an item to be a check box, you need to provide the check box value in the List of Values section...
When the user tries to log in, using an LDAP application (such as Portal Server) to authenticate against the Directory Server, the Sun Java System Directory Server Plug-in detects that the password value in the Directory Server entry is invalid. The Directory Server Plug-in searches for the ...
5 Add a new column in table with a sequence - Oracle 0 Add a sequence column in a query 0 How to add 'sequence'column to make a PK in table(Oracle and MySQL) 2 How to update sequence number to a existing table that contains data 1 Oracle SQL - Create Sequence and...
Each diagram shows the big picture and is an accurate review method to prevent any bad logic from getting lost in the scheduling software.Advantage: It shows the sequence of activities and verifies the scope of work. It also has value as a communication tool by sharing progress and issues ...
There are several ways to declare and int array: int[] i = new int[capacity]; int[] i = new int[] {value1, value2, value3, etc}; int[] i = {value1, value2, value3, etc}; where in all of these, you can use int i[] instead of int[] i. With reflection, you can ...
Bitmaps are different. As with B-trees, they store the indexed values. But instead of one row per entry, the database associates each value with a range of rowids. It then has a series of ones and zeros to show whether each row in the range has the value (1) or not (0)....
Bitmaps are different. As with B-trees, they store the indexed values. But instead of one row per entry, the database associates each value with a range of rowids. It then has a series of ones and zeros to show whether each row in the range has the value (1) or not (0)....
Add a html content to word document in C# (row.Cells[1].Range.Text) Add a trailing back slash if one doesn't exist. Add a user to local admin group from c# Add and listen to event from static class add characters to String add column value to specific row in datatable Add ...
1 | HOW TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCE OF AN SAP ENVIRONMENT Figure 1. Oracle Optimized Solution for SAP provides the components needed in one system. SAP Security: Understanding the Threat ERP systems, including SAP, have transformed core business functions in the modern enterprise, ...