"Unable to update the registry of distributor '%s' to allow Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle to run in process with SQL Server. Make certain that current login is authorized to modify SQL Server owned registry keys." Oracle 發行需要存在登錄項目,且對於 64 位元「散發者」該登錄項目應設定為...
To refer to the current or next value of a sequence in the schema of another user, you must have been granted either SELECT object privilege on the sequence or SELECT ANY SEQUENCE system privilege, and you must qualify the sequence ...
For each row merged by aMERGEstatement. The reference toNEXTVALcan appear in themerge_insert_clauseor themerge_update_clauseor both. TheNEXTVALUEvalue is incremented for each row updated and for each row inserted, even if the sequence number is not actually used in the update or insert operati...
theINCREMENT BYsequence parameter defines the interval between each generated sequence value. If more than one database user is generating incremented values from the same sequence, each user may encounter gaps in the generated values that are visible to them. ...
pro_hi(mykey in number,value out varchar) as begin if mykey = 1 then value := '你好'; else if mykey = 2 then value := '再见'; end if; end if; end; / 调用存储过程 declare 变量 类型:=初始值; begin 过程名(参数,变量); ...
Current: This refers to the original sales order. A negative value indicates over consumption. You can drill down from this field to the individual distributed forecasts. When you double-click in this field, the Supply/Demand window appears. You can view details regarding the distribution of the...
CREATE SEQUENCE[ schema. ]sequence [ {INCREMENT BY|START WITH} integer | {MAXVALUEinteger |NOMAXVALUE} | {MINVALUEinteger |NOMINVALUE} | {CYCLE|NOCYCLE} | {CACHEinteger |NOCACHE} | {ORDER|NOORDER} ]... ; 不能保证序列的连续性(数据重启,其他事件,rollback。。。)都会导致序列的不连续。只...
The planning process does not suggest a new daily rate greater than the current daily rate plus the acceptable rate increase amount. The acceptable rate increase amount is calculated by multiplying this value by the current daily rate. For example, if the current daily rate is 100/day, and ...
COMMIT / ROLLBACK 都是用在执行 DML语句(INSERT / DELETE / UPDATE / SELECT )之后的。DML 语句,执行完之后,处理的数据,都会放在回滚段中(除了 SELECT 语句),等待用户进行提交(COMMIT)或者回滚 (ROLLBACK),当用户执行 COMMIT后,放在回滚段中的数据就会被提交,若执行rollback,放在回滚段中的数据就会被删除。
ICustomDriverValueConver.go 更新文档:达梦最新驱动已经支持TEXT类型使用string接收 10个月前 IEntity.go GetPkSequence 主键序列,Oracle数据库返回序列名称加 .NEXTVAL,例如 SEQ.NEXTVAL 12天前 IGlobalTransaction.go 调整FuncGlobalTransaction函数返回值,支持seata-go ...