If you want the folders to stay mounted even after you restart the machine, add them to the/etc/fstabfile. Follow the steps below: 1. Edit the/etc/fstabfile with: sudo nano /etc/fstabCopy 2. Copy the following line to the bottom of the file and replacehost_IPwith the actual IP add...
# # /etc/fstab # Created by anaconda on Mon Feb 18 01:41:33 2019 # # Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk' # See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info # /dev/mapper/SangomaVG-root / xfs defaults 0 0 UUID=...
After getting Docker, put your user in the Docker group to use Docker commands without sudo. sudo usermod -aG docker $USER Turn Off Swap: Kubernetes needs you to turn off swap on every machine. sudo swapoff -a To keep this change, remove any swap lines in /etc/fstab. Read:Kubernetes ...
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade on Debian based systems). Make sure you perform any tasks specific to your setup like: Configuring network Configuring mount points in /etc/fstab Creating the initial user accounts Installing core software you'll want like man Etc... Your server will need...
# vim /etc/fstab Then add the following entry. /root/nfs_backup nfs defaults 0 0 Mount NFS Share Directory Save and exit the configuration file. Testing NFS Setup The last step is to verify if the NFS setup is working as expected. We will create...
It is theoretically possible to interact with a network interface using a single character device, but because it would be exceptionally difficult, the kernel uses other I/O interfaces 注意 并非所有设备都有设备文件,因为块设备和字符设备的I/O接口并不适用于所有情况。例如,网络接口没有设备文件。理论...
Update the initial RAM file system: sudo update-initramfs –u Place the filesystem mount options to the /etc/fstab file: echo '/dev/md0 /mnt/md0 ext4 defaults,nofail,discard 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab Once this is done, your RAID 1 will automatically assemble and mount at each...
First, create a new directory to serve as the mount point for the new partition. For example: mkdir /mnt/vmstorage Edit the /etc/fstab file: Next, edit the /etc/fstab file to ensure the new partition willauto mount upon reboot. Open the file with a text editor like Nano: ...
check the/rescue/etc/fstabfile to determine the correct devices for the/bootand/boot/efipartitions from the broken OS disk. Then, run theblkidcommand and compare the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) from the/rescue/etc/fstabfile to the output of theblkidcommand to determine the correct device...
In this chapter, we’ll discuss in detail how to work with disks on a Linux system. You’ll learn how to partition disks, create and maintain the filesystems that go inside disk partitions, and work with swap space. 在第三章中,我们讨论了内核提供的一些顶层磁盘设备。 在本章中,我们将...