/etc/fstabis just a plain text file, so you can open and edit it with any text editor you're familiar with. However, note that you must have the root privileges before editingfstab. So, in order to edit the file, you must either log in as root or use thesucommand to become root....
Go to the Applications > Utilities > Terminal to launch the Terminal program. Input "sudo nano /etc/fstab" to edit the fstab file (provide your password when prompted). No letters will show up when you type in the password. Type "LABEL=BOOTCAMP none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse" in the editor...
If you want the folders to stay mounted even after you restart the machine, add them to the/etc/fstabfile. Follow the steps below: 1. Edit the/etc/fstabfile with: sudo nano /etc/fstabCopy 2. Copy the following line to the bottom of the file and replacehost_IPwith the actual IP add...
Configuring mount points in /etc/fstab Creating the initial user accounts Installing core software you'll want like man Etc... Your server will need to be able to send e-mails so you can get important security alerts. If you're not setting up a mail server check Gmail and Exim4 As MTA...
Edit: Using UUIDs in your fstab file, while convenient for most home users, does have a few big caveats. This doesn’t work when using things like “assembled” or “network-based” devices. If you’re more of an advanced user, or plan on using things like software RAID in the future...
Thereafter, we will mount the NFS share to the mount directory that we have just created in the root home directory # mount -t nfs ~/nfs_backup To persist the NFS share, edit the/etc/fstabfile. ...
Step 1: Click Go on the upper right of your desktop and go to the utility folder, then launch the Terminal program. Step 2: Input Sudo nano /etc/fstab to edit the fstab file and hit enter(Please supply your password when prompted). Step 3: Type in LABEL=DISKNAME none NTFS rw, auto...
grep -Ei '[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}' -o /etc/fstab Extract String from a File The first expression in brackets[0-9a-f]is used to denote lowercase hexadecimal characters, and{8}is a quantifier that indicates the number of times that the preceding match sho...
However, to make this permanent we need to edit the/etc/fstabfile, commenting out the line referring to swap memory.In other words, we need to add#to the beginning of the line that starts with/swapfile. If swap memory needs to be enabled, we need to enable a feature calledNodeSwapon ...
First, create a new directory to serve as the mount point for the new partition. For example: mkdir /mnt/vmstorage Edit the /etc/fstab file: Next, edit the /etc/fstab file to ensure the new partition willauto mount upon reboot. Open the file with a text editor like Nano: ...