I have tried to execute(trigger) jenkins job (not a parameterized job) via curl command by using below methods but it showing these results. my jenkins version is Jenkins 2.73.3 curl -X POST -u jenkins_user_name:jenkins_user_passwd http://jenkins_server/job/job_name/build But it says...
In jenkins, create a maven project, and checked the option Build when a change is pushed to GitBucket within Build Triggers section. Current status: Could build the project in jenkins by hand successfully. But, when push a new commit to gitbucket, jenkins can't trigger a new build....
Login to Jira as admin, go to Administration→ System→ Automation rules. Click Create rule. Select the trigger Changeset accepted (from the DevOps category). Click Save. Click New action. Select the action Send web request. Enter the Webhook URL as: <YOUR_JENKINS_...
I have been working recently on configuring a Gerrit plugin trigger for a project in Jenkins 2.The job steps have been defined as a declarative pipeline, and JobDSL was used to create and configure the actual jobs. The conventional and most convenient way of re-triggering the Gerrit patch-...
How to find jenkins user “API Token”? “ Click on the user name located at top right(e.g –> Configure –> Locate the “API Token” section. 4. Enabled “Trigger builds remotely” in Jenkins Job Configuration. ...
I used below step, which print username if the job is triggered manually or timer triggered. So, I used this: pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Test') { steps { script{ env.buildCauses = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses() if (buildCauses.contains("hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger")){ ...
Jenkins Triggers Jenkins and CI/CD As we mentioned above, Jenkins and CI/CD just make sense together. You can tell Jenkins to look for changes to a branch in Git, and you can also ask it to look for changes in any branch, including new ones. Or, if you’re using a different sourc...
This plugin allows GitLab webhooks to be used to trigger SMC polling on GitLab projects. Use of GitLab Webhook Jenkins Integration The Jenkins integrations with GitLab (webhook) can be implemented when: You intend to migrate your CI from Jenkins to GitLab CI/CD in the future, but you req...
Whenever you trigger aJenkinsjob, the Jenkins Kubernetes plugin will make an API call to create a Kubernetes agent pod. Then, theJenkins agentpod is deployed in Kubernetes with a few environment variables containing the Jenkins server details and secrets. ...
Using this plugin is very straightforward once you have configured your build to run TestNG-based test cases and figured out how to generate TestNG report in Jenkins. Simply trigger Publish TestNG Results in Post-Build Behavior. This option enables the following properties to be configured: Test...