系统管理→管理插件→可选插件→Build Triggers→Parameterized Trigger Plugin 安装完成后到项目(job)配置页面: 构建后操作→Add post-build action→Trigger parameterized build on other projects 图1 插件配置示例界面 Add trigger :添加触发 Projects to build:需要构建的项目(job)名,如果有多个项目用 , 分隔。
当然如果你的密码不想配成公共的,点击高级勾选Use password authentication, or use a different key 你自行配置。 3、jenkins 的配置完成了 ,接下来我们就可以打包了。点击项目立即构建就可以了。 4、查看进度条,项目打包状态,并查看项目日志。 配置已经完成。如有什么疑问可以咨询我。
Build Triggers build whenever a snapshot dependency is built 当job依赖的快照版本被build时,执行本job。 build after other projects are built 当本job依赖的job被build时,执行本job 这里又分三种情况: List itemTrigger only if build is stable:其他项目构建成功 Trigger even if the build is unstable:其他...
pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Test') { steps { script{ env.buildCauses = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses() if (buildCauses.contains("hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger")){ env.builduser = "TimerTrigger" } else { wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) { env.builduser = "${BUILD_USER}" } ...
Jenkins+svn自动化部署完整教程 1、概述 Jenkins 是一个可扩展的持续集成引擎。主要用于持续、自动地构建/测试软件项目、监控一些定时执行的任务。Jenkins用Java语言编写,可在Tomcat等流行的servlet容器中运行,也可独立运行。通常与版本管理工具(SCM)、构建工具结合使用。常用的版本控制工具有SVN、GIT,构建工具有Maven、...
But you can’t specify RegEx, so it will re-trigger the job for all comments I suppose, which is not what we really want. Luckily, you can configure part of the Jenkins job as an arbitrary XML, as documented here.With this in hand, we can just pass any given XML node to the job...
It then triggers all Jenkins jobs matching{repositoryOwner}---{repositoryName}.* Lastly it injects Environment Variables into the job run for you to determine what branch and revision is to clone. GitHub Webhook Configuration This is how you need to configure the GitHub Webhook in your reposito...
To do so, add the new post-build action “Editable Email Notification”, choose the report file location defined before as attachment, and add triggers for each job status you want to be informed about. In this sample, an email will be sent if a job has failed or succeeded. ...
We are using Jenkins,GerritTrigger setup for CI and it will start build for each commit though all commits came from single push. Since all changes are dependent on each other its enough to make a single build with all changes, but I don't see that option in GerritTrig...
Jenkins支持很多的plugin,这些plugin极大地丰富了Jenkins的功能。安装plugin有两种方式:自动安装和手动安装。 1.自动安装 这种方式非常简单,但前提是Jenkins必须连接网络。 通过浏览器进入Jenkins界面,Manage Jenkins->Manage Plugins,在Available标签中,列出了... ...