安装Pipeline 插件 安装Groovy Postbuild 插件 安装build user vars 插件 安装Build Name and Description Setter 插件 安装description setter 插件 需要注意:不同的部署方式 设置buildName 和 buildDescription 的方法不一样,根据自己部署方式百度相应的设置方法 由于Jenkins执行的时候,是可与选择环境用户名等信息的,就希...
We all know thatJenkinsis a well-known open-source continuous integration and continuous deployment automation tool which is written in Java. In this blog, we are going to learn how Jenkins Build Triggers trigger the build of the project for continuous integration and continuous deployment. Jenkins...
Jenkins Pipeline设置build Name和Description(描述) 安装build-name-setter 插件,然后使用如下: script{ wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) { def deploylog="${BUILD_USER} use pipeline '${JOB_NAME}(${BUILD_NUMBER})' "println deploylog buildName"#${BUILD_NUMBER}-^^-${BUILD_USER}"//修改Description"...
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] End of Pipeline java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method ‘pipeline’ found among steps [acceptGitLabMR, acceptGiteeMR, addGitLabMRComment, addGiteeMRComment, checkout, git, gitlabBuilds, gitlabCommitStatus, junit, keepRunning, load, parallel, pro...
2. 在 Jenkins 系统管理 --> 系统设置中配置 Sonar,如果你跟着前面章节做,这里应该是配置了的。 3. 新建 Pipeline 任务: 3. 接下来便是操作的重点,配置 Pipeline: 在这之前,我们需要知道几个重点,Sonar 在代码扫描的时候会用到: 【1】Sonar 扫描工具 Sonar Scaner:系统管理 --> 全局工具配置 ...
的部署版本为:${buildVersion}"sh'sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/jenkins/sourceCodeManagement/jenkins-test/'sh'/opt/jenkins/sourceCodeManagement/jenkins-test/src/main/resources/jenkins/deploy.sh ${buildVersion} ${environment}'}}}
The configuration of Pipeline jobs are located in the job configuration page as well and not the Jenkinsfile, as per the screenshot shown below. The new triggers will come up next to the "Build periodically" trigger. If you are creating a new Pipeline job, you'll have to reconfigure the...
由于Jenkins执行的时候,是可与选择环境用户名等信息的,就希望在job执行完毕之后,也能一目了然地看到,本次执行时候的参数和变量 pipeline { agent any stages { stage('set buildDescription') { steps { script { buildDescription'<span>PYTHON_ENV: ${PYTHON_ENV} <br /> CLIENT_BUCKET:${CLIENT_BUCKET} ...
jenkins升级导致无法显示build history的build name jenkinsfile pipeline groovy 语法 stage('Initialization'){steps{script{buildName"${BUILD_NUMBER}-${BRANCH_NAME}"}}} 报错提示 尝试过语法改动,最后发现是个别插件没有更新 更新插件“Token Macro Plugin”,问题解决。
(1) Install the Pipeline plugins via thePipeline Bundle. (2) Download:github-webhook-notifier-plugin-1.2.0.hpi.zipand install the plugin. (3) In Jenkins global configuration define a "Webhook Secret" (see below) (4) Create a job called{gitHubRepoOwner}---{repoName}like e.g.codeclou--...