and one version with an abundance of deep wrinkles. Both sets of pictures were showed to a group of people who had to rate the attractiveness and youthfulness of the women’s faces. Almost unanimously
They tend to affect areas with the most oil glands, such as the face, neck, chest, upper arms, or back. The condition of acne is often associated with hormones, so it’s important to understand the impact that hormone cycles can have on your skin. Nonetheless, clear skin is achievable ...
3. Melasma: This is a form of hyperpigmentation that's more common in women and believed to have hormonal ties. It manifests as patches of discoloration usually on the cheeks, the bridge of the nose, the forehead, the chin, and above the upper lip. It is commonly triggered by the hormo...
If you want to fix deep acne scars, melasma, pox marks, stretch marks, or even fade tattoos, dermabrasion may result in a more dramatic outcome at the cost of more healing time. Dermaplaning pros and cons The benefits of dermaplaning go beyond brighter, smoother ...
Melasma (pregnancy mask or chloasma) Linea nigra (a dark, vertical line that appears to run down on the middle of the abdomen during pregnancy) Less common causes of dark spots include conditions, such as: Liver disease Addison's disease Hemochromatosis (excessive iron accumulation in various org...
Pregnancy Mask (Melasma) During the first trimester, one of the early signs of pregnancy is melasma. This is when the skin on your forehead, bridge of your nose, upper lip, or cheekbones may darken. This is often referred to as the "mask of pregnancy," and the medical term is melasma...
Melasma, a stubborn type of skin discoloration that affects more than 5 million women in the U.S. alone. You May Also Like: 4 Ways to Treat Hyperpigmentation so It Never Comes Back The most common causes of the blotchy-skin condition include hormonal fluctuations due to pregnancy (it’s ...
Hormonal changes, particularly during pregnancy or while taking hormonal medications, can lead to the development of dark spots on the face. This condition, known as melasma or “pregnancy mask,” is characterized by symmetrical, blotchy patches on the cheeks, forehead, and upper lip. ...
When #NoMakeup and #wokeuplikethis selfies started trending on social media, celebrities were quick to jump on board. There wereplenty of fails, as some stars felt eyeliner, blush, and lip gloss didn't count. The hashtag spawned hilarious parodies as well, like Amy Schumer's "Girl, You...
Pregnancy Mask (Melasma) During the first trimester, one of the early signs of pregnancy is melasma. This is when the skin on your forehead, bridge of your nose, upper lip, or cheekbones may darken. This is often referred to as the "mask of pregnancy," and the medical term is melasma...