Also, breathing is really important with many kinds of prostate massage – make sure that you take deep and long breaths, allowing your body to feel all the sensations of the massage as you slowly inhale and exhale your breath. Try to be as mindful as possible with your breathing; it’s ...
I'm sometimes asked about 'eating a girl out tips' a.k.a. how to lick pussy - the two common (some might even say vulgar) ways of referring to how to perform cunnilingus (a.k.a. 'going down on her'). So, let's face it, men - many of you want to know how to perform cun...
Blocked hair follicles first appear as pimples. If they worsen, they can penetrate deeply into the skin and resemble cysts or boils. They may also burst, leaking pus or blood. They can create tunnels beneath your skin. Once they begin to heal, you maydevelop thick scars.These scars can ma...
As you change your toddler’s diaper, you might like to tell your little one what you’re doing — this way, they can start to become familiar with what’s happening as an early step towardpotty training.You might also like to dump the poop from the diaper into the toilet or potty as...
4. Treat it as a matter of fact thing Don’t talk to women about it–that would tend to freak us out. And especially don’t talk to teenage girls about it. But if you’re a gym teacher or a youth leader or a lifeguard or a swim instructor, you could make a general announcement...
After a C-section, your doctor may put compression devices on your legs to keep your blood from pooling, according to UT Southwestern Medical Center. Gentle compression helps improve circulation and reduces your risk of clots. Likewise, “being active as soon as possible after a C-section helps...
- Rarely get referred symptoms into the legs, but may get some into the gluteal muscles. - Pain to stretch away from the side of discomfort. - Localised tender spot. How to treat it- Dynamic rest. Although you might want to do nothing but lay flat for days, restrict this where possible...
Kegels are easy to do, once you know which muscles to target. One of the easiest ways to locate your muscles is during urination. Here’s how: Halfway through urination, try to stop or slow down the flow of urine. Don’t tense the muscles in your buttocks, legs, orabdomen, and don...
Put simply, they’re exercises which strengthen your pelvic floor, and they can help during childbirth and when you're recovering afterwards. But they don’t just relate to pregnancy – they can alsoimprove your sex life, help stop incontinence, and treat prolapse. For this reason, both men...
While peripheral artery disease is associated with blocked arteries, varicose veins typically are tied to leaking valves in the veins of the legs. Deep vein thrombosis is another condition affecting blood vessels, where clots form in veins far from the heart. Because peripheral artery disease is ca...