This natural remedy column completes the circle on how to prevent or treat tick bites in order to avoid the risk of Lyme disease or alpha-gal syndrome, also known asred meat allergy. While prevention is most important, sometimes a tick bite will occur despite our best efforts to avoid it....
For any animal bite, you may need an antibiotic to prevent infection. So it’s always a good idea to call your doctor, especially if you have medical conditions that weaken your immune system. Also, you should call your doctor or head to the emergency room if: The bite was caused by a...
Just because a bug has a fun name, doesn't mean it won't bite you just as hard as the other ones. No-see-ums aretiny flying insectsthat are incredibly difficult to spot. Also known as biting midges, punkies, sand flies or biting gnats, these flying insects are small enough to fit ...
Chiggers are mites that feed on your skin, found in areas with tall grass, dead leaves, or lots of brush. While their bite can cause redness, bumps,blisters, and severe itching, chiggers in the U.S. don't cause disease. If you've been exposed to chiggers, wash the area or take a ...
Did you know bed bug bites are often mistaken for mites? If not, then take a minute tosee what bed bug bites look like. If you are sure they are from Mites, please consider there are almost 46,000 species of mites, but only a few bite humans; they are the Northern Fowl Mite, Tro...
Caterpillar Bite Puss caterpillars are the most poisonous caterpillar in the U.S., found mostly in shady trees in Southern states. They emit poison from the hollow spines among their hairs. Upon contact with human skin, their hair injects the venom, which causes symptoms like itching, pain, ...
How to Tell If You Have a Brown Recluse Spider Bite—And How to Treat It Signs and Symptoms of Spider Bites What Is a Blood Blister? What Is a Contusion? When Does an Animal Bite Warrant a Trip to the ER? Uses and Benefits of Chlorhexidine ...
Some people treat their mild bites with over-the-counter pain meds. Regardless, if you have been bitten and are unsure what bit you, you should seek the advice of your doctor. Common treatments for a mild bite include: Wash the bite site with water and soap to prevent infection. ...
Typically, you can treat a rabbit bite by applying standard first aid care. A rabbit bite does not normally present a significant health hazard. It can be an unpleasant experience, undoubtedly, but it's inevitable: Biting and nipping are part of a rabbit
Flea bites on dogs are the worst. Sure, those flea bites around your own ankles aren’t a walk in the park but you, lucky human, at least have trusty old Google and a full medicine cabinet you can use to treat your own bites. ...