Puppies are known to be chewers and for very good reason! Learn how to stop your German Shepherd puppy from biting with these simple steps.
Introduce him to your friends, guests, visitors, and neighbors, and let them put your puppy. Train your puppy to stay obedient and act on your command and do not forget to treat him for his friendly behavior towards your guests and friends. Never ever encourage the habit of growling at s...
And when you see redness and rawness between the toes it can be a sign of interdigital cysts in dogs.Here’s what to look for … and how to treat interdigital cysts in dogs.What Are Interdigital Cysts?This is a fleshy irritation within the webbing of your dog’s toes that often ...
DM appears mainly in the German Shepherd breed. Other breeds that can be affected by DM include Boxers, Belgium Shepherd, Old English Sheep Dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Weimaraner and Great Pyrenees.Huisheng XieTraditional Chinese veterinary medicine: empirical techniques to scientific validation: Frist ...
If no one is available, you can also use a muzzle. Even if your pet has never been aggressive, pain can cause a pet to react differently. Avoid scratches or bites by having a plan to keep your pet stable and calm while you treat the wound. Stop the bleeding. If the wound is ...
Toothless and Hookfang tolerate each other for most of the time, though they rarely have any friendly interaction, and seem to treat one another with indifference. Occasionally they will get into fights, and when Hookfang went on a rampage, Toothless was quick to leap in and attack him. The...
Small dog syndrome is a common excuse for a barking little dog and is one of the hardest behaviors to remove because owners are often reluctant to treat them differently. Small dogs that are allowed to behave this way are also the easiest to train out of this bad habit. ...
How can I get my dog to bark naturally? How to Train Your Dog to Speak Once again, get your dog to bark naturally. As your dog barks, say your cue word in a clear, upbeat voice. Praise your dog and give it a treat or toy. ...
How to Deal with Bad Dog Behavior Step 1 – Identify the source of the bad dog behavior To do this, we must stay objective and focused, even though we may not always like the answers that we find. It helps tofind a professional dog trainer or a dog expertat this stage. ...
If your dog does suddenly lose their balance, you should take them to your vet for a proper diagnosis. But if they do have Old Dog Syndrome, here is everything you need to know. Our friends German Shepherd and our very own Lab mix, Linus experienced old dog syndrome in their later yea...