including adults, children, other smaller animals like a cat, or bigger canine companions. Of course, take care of his safety from other animals. As she grows up gradually, introduce him to a variety of sounds, sights, experiences, people, smells, and objects...
but puppies will also bite when they are teething and to taste the world around them. This can, of course, quickly get out of hand if not taken care of swiftly. In this article, we look at the reasons behind German Shepherd puppies biting and seven steps to help stop the behavior. Let...
Of course, the German Shepherd does get cold especially when they are subjected to very low temperatures for long periods of time. However, German Shepherds do enjoy a very high tolerance level to cold temperatures. This tolerance level is higher than most dog breeds and is mainly because of ...
In "Imperfect Harmony", Stoick entrusted Toothless to take care of Hiccup while they were out exploring new lands. A concerned, confused Toothless, nudging Stoick's lifeless hand In How to Train Your Dragon 2, their relationship is stronger as Toothless appears to agree with Stoick's decision ...
If your GSD is declining meals but haven’t had anything to eat, take the bowl and dish out the same meal after one hour. How Much Food Should A German Shepherd Puppy Have? The ideal calorie intake of a German Shepherd is within the range of 1,272 to 2100. This number can vary dep...
Dog ears come in many shapes and styles, and some require more care than others. Learn the types, proper care, and how to clean your dog’s ears at home.
As pet owners, we do whatever it takes to keep our pets safe. We ensure they have all of their shots and are protected from fleas and ticks. But there is a predator out in full force this time of year. How do you protect your pets from coyotes?
My dog, (Hudson, a 90lb German Shepherd) has been having all these tests since the age of six. My vets now have a clear baseline of tests to know what is "normal" forhim. And yes, he has twice yearly vet visits. Supplements For Geriatric Dogs ...
breed. These diminutive dogs are so full of energy, they're often calledthe "king of toys"due to their stately appearance. If you're a miniature pinscher owner, take care not to let your companion become bored--without mental stimulation and exercise, their stubborn side is sure to come ...
This doesn't mean that you automatically need to switch to a senior diet but you do need to keep an eye on his weight and switch to a high fiber or reduced-calorie diet if necessary.One thing I noticed with Hudson (my German Shepherd) is that he became hungrier as he got older. As...