How to Transplant Lamb’s Ear! #garden #gardening #gardeningtips When I was in my early 20s, I loved watching gardening shows on PBS (Public Broadcasting System). The host would visit various gardens and showcase the plants. She slowly walked through the garden paths, stopped to touch the...
For a gardener, there is nothing quite like the feeling ofwandering around your garden, in the spring, and seeing the first growth of perennials that you have planted years before. These plants die back in the winter but send out new growth each spring. This guide to perennials is a great...
Honeyberries are generally grown from transplants that were propagated from cuttings and then rooted in a pot for 1 to 2 years before planting. While we’ve successfully propagated blueberries and grown elderberries from cuttings, I haven’t been able to get honeyberries to root. All our plant...
Iris flowers are spring blooming bulbs. Orchid-like flowers appear on upright stalks. Irises are available as bulbs with clipped roots and leaves. They can remain out of the ground for a couple of weeks, but they need planting as soon as possible. Planting iris bulbs in the fall gives the...
Sowing: Direct sow in late fall, pressing into the surface of the soil. For spring planting, mix the seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for
Now is a good time to divide plants that have gotten too big. I’ll say it again, divide your plants! Either give the divisions away to a fellow gardener, transplant them to a new place in your yard, or pot them up and sell them. ...
I also love tulips but wasn’t able to get my bulbs planted this last fall when I moved into my house. Can I force these bulbs up in a vase for this spring and then transplant them in my outside garden? If so, when? I’m excited with this potential! Lauren @momhomeguide says ...
moist potting soil, using a pencil to poke a hole for the cutting. Place it in a well-lit spot without direct sunlight. Make sure the medium remains moist. The cutting should take root within about three to four weeks. When new growth appears, transplant the cuttings to the desired ...