Then we’ll tell you the easy peasy steps to successfully transplant a magnolia tree without killing it. How-to prune the roots of a magnolia tree True fact!Root pruning is done to stimulate growth of new feeder roots close to the tree. The feeder roots are those little tangled roots you...
Methods of Storing Iris Bulbs Replanting Process Maintaining Quality During Transportation Frequently Asked Questions Leave a Reply You must belogged into post a comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.Learn how your comment data is processed. ...
Keep soil moist until ready to plant out around August to October. Cover the pots to assist with moisture retention if required before germination. Transplant in an area similar to direct sow. Some of the irises will have a first-year bloom, but most will provide flowers from the second yea...
moist potting soil, using a pencil to poke a hole for the cutting. Place it in a well-lit spot without direct sunlight. Make sure the medium remains moist. The cutting should take root within about three to four weeks. When new growth appears, transplant the cuttings to the desired ...
How to Transplant Lamb’s Ear! #garden #gardening #gardeningtips When I was in my early 20s, I loved watching gardening shows on PBS (Public Broadcasting System). The host would visit various gardens and showcase the plants. She slowly walked through the garden paths, stopped to touch the...
The agapanthus, also known as the lily of the Nile or African lily, is a perennial that originated in South Africa. Agapanthus forms large clumps of bulbs that eventually produce dense stands of colorful flowers. They are often used for borders, containe
Because stems are brittle and leaves sticky, transplant and divide in March before stems sprout up. What does catchfly look like? It is called catchfly because of the white sticky sap that oozes from damaged parts of the stems, which snares small insects. Leaves rise up from stiff stems ...
Now is a good time to divide plants that have gotten too big. I’ll say it again, divide your plants! Either give the divisions away to a fellow gardener, transplant them to a new place in your yard, or pot them up and sell them. ...
I have daffodils growing in mypachysandraand would like to dig them out: When should I dig them out? Can I hold the bulbs to transplant later, or do I need to transplant right away? Would the same rules hold true for tulips and iris?
Transplant Stella D'oro Daylilies 'Stella d’Oro' is a bright golden, low-growing variety of daylily that grows well in most climate zones. The plant has a long bloom period and will rebloom later in the season if spent flowers are cut back. Transplant your 'Stella d’Oro' daylilies ...