Registering a trademark takes some time, but it is worth it for the longevity and legal protection of your business. This article tells you what you need to do.
There are a few pieces of information the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will need in order to trademark a name and logo. The first is your mark, or the brand element you’re registering a trademark for. In this case, your marks are your company name and logo. ...
Trademarking your company's logo is an essential step to protect your rights. It's also a complex process that requires expert legal assistance.
If you have already registered as a business in your state, then this doesn’t automatically protect your business name as a trademark. In fact, someone can register the same or similar name as a trademark and potentially stop you from using it. How to Apply for a Trademark First, you ne...
Are you a business owner trying to build your brand? Protecting your logo by registering it as a trademark with the USPTO is a critical step.
Trademark only deals with use of the mark that causes confusion in that company’s marketplace. In short, trademark is designed not to prevent copying, but confusion in the marketplace, thus severely limiting what uses of the logo can be considered infringing. We need to delve deeper in the...
A trademark could be a word, phrase, tagline, or logo associated with your product or service. Getting a trademark gives you exclusive rights to identify your product or service with that name or tagline, informs everyone that you own that trademark, and legally bars others from using it or...
It should also be unique enough to differentiate your company from the competition. Because your brand name (blog name) and logo are part of the DNA of your brand and your business, applying for registration of the copyright and trademark of both is an important consideration. Do you need ...
Not so fast. Before you unleash your logo upon the world, you have to make sure that you have secured the rights to it. Logos may clearly represent your company or your business by using graphics and words, but if you don’t trademark it, other people can produce similar logos that can...
Any thing that helps to describe your company's services or product should be very important and therefore protected. One of the first steps to register a trademark is to ensure that you haven't chosen a name, logo, or slogan that is already taken and registered. You will have to do a...