The Success Secrets of a Stock Market Legend Jesse Livermore was a loner, an individualist-and the most successful stock trader who ever lived. Written shortly before his death in 1940, How to Trade Stocks offered traders their first account of that famously tight-lipped operator's trading syste...
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Chapter 8 JESSE LIVERMORE How To Trade IN STocks Timing-“Timing is everything” $ TDT-Top Down TRadING -THE concept of “Top Down Trading" is very straightforward, before making any trade on any particular stock you must first check off the following items: $TM-THE MARKET - Check the li...
内容提示: HOW TO TRADE IN STOCKS The Livermore Formula for Combining Time Element and Price BY JESSE L. LIVERMORE DUELL, SLOAN & PEARCE NEW YORK COPYRIGHT, 1940, BY JESSE L. LIVERMORE All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form. first ...
虽然读过的有关股票交易的书籍不下百十本,如果只能选一本,我还是会毅然决然地选择Jesse Livermore著Richard Smitten编的这一本,中译本叫做《股票大作手回忆录》。也许,这本就是A股投机交易的“圣经”! 下面是我这次读书的摘录,由于是自己需要,一个字一个字地敲,但也不是百分百的原文,有些(当然是极少数)根据我...
Jesse Livermore was a loner, an individualist-and the most successful stock trader who ever lived. Written shortly before his death in 1940, How to Trade Stocks offered traders their first account of that famously tight-lipped operator's trading system. Written in Livermore's inimitable, no-nons...
Jesse_Livermore-How_To_Trade_In_Stocks_(1940_original)-EN,jesse livermore how to trade in stocks 原版英文,jesse,levermore,原版,how,to,trade,in,stocks相关精品文档 更多 [Jesse_Livermore-How_To_Trade_In_Stocks][original-EN].pdf How To Trade Stocks - Jesse Livermore How to Be An Excellent ...
*When the tape doesn't agree with your decision to buy or sell. wait until it does. Never try to rationalize your position against what the tape is saying. *Do not give or receive stock tips, just remember: “In abull marketstocks go up-in a bear market they go down. That is all...
杰西·利弗莫尔(Jesse Livermore) 20世纪初华尔街上最具传奇色彩的操盘手。他曾几度破产,又几度东山再起,在1929年的大萧条中因为做空而使个人资产达到1亿美元,成为当时美国最富有的人之一。不过仅仅4年之后,他再度破产。1939年,利弗莫尔终于决定与同行们分享自己的秘诀,写作并出版了 How to Trade In Stocks。1940年11...
How to Trade in Stocks 英文原版股票大作手操盘术:珍藏版 暂无报价 100+评论95%好评 内容简介:The Success Secrets of a Stock Market Legend. Jesse Livermore was a loner, an individualist-and the most successful stock trader who ever lived. Written shortly before his death in 1940, How to Trade ...