Lessons from a Trading Great: Jesse Livermore 交易大师的教训:杰西·利弗莫尔November 3, 2016 - Alex Barrow Reading Time 12 mins “Boy Wonder”, “Boy Plunger” and the “Great Bear of Wall St.” are…
Jesse Livermore Trading Rules; Trade with the trend. Buy in a bull market, short in a bear market. Don't trade when there aren't clear opportunities. Trade using the pivotal points. Wait for the m...
Jesse Livermore Trading Rules & Quotes 1. Always sell what shows you a loss and keep what shows you a profit. Buy as a print! 2. Money cannot consistently be made trading every day or every week during the year. 3. A man must believe in himself and his judgement if he expects to m...
Understanding Jesse Livermore's Trading Strategies The enormity of his success becomes even more staggering when considering that he traded on his own, using his own funds, his own system, and not trading anyone else's capital in conjunction. There is no question that times have changed since M...
使用三根k线交易-你需要知道的一切(中英文字幕)Trading The 3 Bar Play- Everything You Need To Know!! ecat2010 3903 3 将改变您的交易方式的最佳价格行动交易策略(中英文字幕)Best Price Action Trading Strategy That Will Change T ecat2010 5289 1 如何使用TRIX指标进行交易-三重指数平均外汇和股票策略...
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator – Stock Trading Strategy In a series of interviews inReminiscences of a Stock Operatorwith “Lawrence Livingstone” (a pseudonym for Jesse Livermore) the financial journalist Edwin Lefèvre got to the heart of the strategy and psychology of a master stock market ...
Once a stock had broken out of a trading range - such as the stock on the left, which has broken downwards - Livermore would begin trading. In this case the breakout is downwards and so Livermore wouldsell the stock short. He would look for signs that the new trend was behaving normally...
Jesse Livermore knew a lot about mistakes because he made several. He was a self-made man trading his own money and building a fortune but he lost a lot of money too. So every lesson he learnt he learnt the hard way. Which is why, all this talk of whether you are bullish or bearis...
1. “There is nothing new in Wall Street. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again.” 2. “Buy rising stocks and sell falling stocks” 3. “Do not trade every day of every year....
理查德.怀科夫(Richard Wyckoff)写了一本小书,书名叫《利物莫的股票操作方法》(Jesse Livermore's Methods of Trading in Stocks),详述利物莫许多独特的操作策略。多年来,谈利物莫的其它文章和书籍不胜枚举,这个人传奇性的一生,时至今日仍为人们津津乐道。