“We used to monitor everyone’s productivity through an application that can track mouse movements and websites visited to determine an employee’s productivity. However, we noticed that it doesn’t always give an accurate description of a worker’s productivity.” Therefore, we now also ask em...
Monitoring employee productivity is also important to keep track of remote workers. Monitoring your remote team using tracking software can help to reduce domestic distractions while also increasing team spirit andaccountability. Advantages of Using Productivity Trackers Reduce Time Wastage:Jonathan Yerby exp...
Brian Kropp: We've worked through a couple of different phases during this time period. The first phase was protecting people's health and safety; get people out of the office and get them home. The second big thing is making sure people know how to work in a remote environmen...
Maintaining productivity in the workplace is something that most of us have struggled with at one point or another. As a result of remote working, the boundaries between home and office have become naturally blurred, with work tasks and domestic chores often overlapping. It can be...
Here are some examples of metrics that can be used for measuring remote worker performance: 1. Work Time & Overtime Hours One key metric for keeping track of remote employees is work time. More specifically, the number of hours worked, when these hours were worked, and any overtime. These...
Assist employees who work from home in maintaining their productivity Employee productivity tracking software is the perfect option for companies with remote employees who constantly look for ways to sustain productivity and track performance. This software to improve employee productivity keeps track of h...
Is productivity for a remote or hybrid worker the same as when they are face-to-face with their manager? And how do we guarantee such employees are engaged and motivated to perform? This article will cover the fine balance between the needs of the manager, and the employee, and h...
Often when you leave the office your work stays there, whereas, at home, it is always present. This means clear boundaries should be set in order not to think about work too much and keep the balance equal. 4. Remote work distractions can kill your productivity ...
your professional skills but also accommodates your lifestyle and preferences for work-life balance. Remember to scrutinize each opportunity carefully, considering not only the role itself but also the company’s culture, its stance on remote work, and its track record in supporting remote employees...
As more businesses shift away from strictly on-premises operations, alternative infrastructure investments are needed to handle a hybrid or fully remote entity. How to Calculate Productivity The calculation for productivity is straightforward: divide the outputs of a company by the inputs used to produ...